12.24.040   Notice of action and appeals.
   A.   Notice of the city manager’s intended decision on a permit application submitted pursuant to section 12.24.030 shall be given by personal delivery or first class mail to the applicant and to any person filing a written request with the city manager for notice of all permit approvals under this ordinance. Further, notice of the intended decision shall be posted on the subject tree in a manner reasonably intend to inform the general public of the decision, and the right to appeal.
   B.   Any person aggrieved or affected by the city manager’s intended decision, or any member of the city council, may appeal the intended decision to the city council by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk within ten business days, excluding weekends and holidays, after the delivery or mailing of the notice. Any such notice of appeal shall be accompanied by an appeal fee in the amount specified by the city council.
   C.   If no appeal is filed within such time, the city manager shall promptly implement the intended decision by denying or issuing the permit, with or without conditions. An appeal automatically stay execution of the implementation of the intended decision until the appeal has been considered and decided by the city council. (A member of the city council shall be exempt from the requirement of an appeal fee).
   D.   The city clerk shall place all such appeals on the agenda of the next regular council meeting and shall give notice to the applicant and/or appellant. The city council shall consider and decide all issues raised in the appeal, and the decision of the council shall be final. (Ord. 2007-02 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. 9907 § 2 (part), 1999)