9.16.010   Purpose.
   A.   The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the prompt abatement of graffiti from public and private properties in the city; to provide for methods of controlling the sale to and the unauthorized use of aerosol paint containers and wide tipped marker pens by minors; and to encourage citizens to report occurrences of graffiti vandalism within the city.
   B.   Due to the increase of graffiti vandalism on both public and private property, a condition has arisen within the city which has resulted in a deterioration of property values and concern for the quality of life of the city's citizens. The city council finds and determines that graffiti constitutes a public nuisance which, left unabated, adversely affects the city's image, business development, retail sales and residential housing costs. Allowing graffiti to remain on public or private property encourages additional unacceptable occurrences of graffiti, fuels fear among the community and is a factor which not only depreciates the value of the property which has been the target of such vandalism, but also depreciates the value of adjacent and surrounding properties.
   C.   The purpose of this chapter is, therefore, to minimize the impact which graffiti has on the city's quality of life, economic stability, environmental image, aesthetic standard, and the overall sense of feeling of safety and security of its citizens. Because the existence of graffiti tends to breed community discontent and criminal and gang related activities, the chapter will serve to mitigate these problems through quick removal and control of graffiti vandalism. (Prior code § 5500)