8.29.040   Diversion requirements.
   A.   One hundred percent (100%) of inert solids and at least fifty percent (50%) by weight of the remaining construction and demolition debris resulting from the project shall be diverted to an approved facility or by salvage. (Ord. 2005-24, 2005)
   B.   For each covered project, the diversion requirements of this chapter shall be met by submitting and following a C&D Debris Recycling and Reuse Plan that includes the following:
   1.   Deconstructing and salvaging all or part of the structure as practicable; and
   2.   Directing one hundred percent (100%) of inert solids to reuse or recycling facilities approved by the city; and
   3.   Source separating non-inert materials, such as cardboard and paper, wood, metals, green waste, new gypsum wallboard, tile, porcelain fixtures, and other easily recycled materials, and directing them to recycling facilities approved by the city and taking the remainder (but no more than 50% by weight) to a facility for disposal.
   C.   The applicant for any covered project shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that all construction and demolition waste diverted or land filled are measured and recorded using the most accurate method of measurement available. To the extent practical, all construction and demolition debris shall be weighed by measurement on scales that are in compliance with all regulatory requirements for accuracy and maintenance.
   D.   Although it may not be an explicit condition of the building permit, contractors working on non-covered projects are encouraged to divert material from construction and demolition projects to the maximum extent practicable in accordance with this chapter. (Ord. 2005-24, 2005)