2.20.020   Appointment of members.
   The relocation appeals board shall consist of five members including the chairman. The members and chairman shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to approval by the city council, to serve without compensation, but each of the members shall be reimbursed for his necessary expenses incurred in performance of his duties as determined by the city council. Each member shall be a qualified elector of the city at the time of his appointment and during his incumbency. The term of office shall be three years and/or until his successor shall be appointed and qualified; except, that upon initial establishment of the board, one member shall be appointed to a one-year term, two members to two-year terms and two members to three-year terms. Should a vacancy occur in the board for any reason, prior to the expiration of term, such vacancy shall be filled for such unexpired term. Whenever, in the discretion of the city council, the best interests of the city shall be served thereby, any member of the board may be removed from office by the majority vote of the council. (Prior code § 7901)