(A)   A local emergency may be declared only by the Mayor or his or her legal successor. It shall not be continued for a period in excess of three days, except by or with the consent of the Council. Any order or proclamation declaring, continuing or terminating a local emergency shall be given prompt and general publicity, and shall be filed in the office of the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer.
   (B)   A declaration of a local emergency shall invoke necessary portions of the response and recovery aspects of applicable local or interjurisdictional disaster plans, and may authorize aid and assistance thereunder.
   (C)   No jurisdictional agency or official may declare a local emergency unless expressly authorized by the agreement under which the agency functions. However, an interjurisdictional disaster agency shall provide aid and services in accordance with the agreement under which it functions.
   (D)   Every officer and agency of the city shall cooperate with the federal and state authority, and with authorized agencies engaged in emergency management, to the fullest extent possible consistent with the performance of their duties. The provisions of this chapter, and of all regulations made hereunder, shall be subject to all applicable and controlling provisions of federal and state laws and regulations, and orders issued hereunder, and shall be deemed to be suspended and inoperative so far as they may be in conflict therewith.
(Am. Ord. passed 11-13-2018)