8.01 M.S. Ch. 168, 169 and 171 adopted by reference
8.02 Truck route
8.03 Exhibition driving
8.04 One-way streets
8.05 Recreational motor vehicles (including snowmobiles)
8.06 Motorized golf carts, operation and regulation
8.07 Rules and regulations for the operation of boats and watercraft on Silver Lake and Virginia (Bailey’s) Lake
8.08 through 8.98 Reserved for future expansion
8.99 Violation a misdemeanor or petty misdemeanor
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, or in Ch. 7
and 9 of this code of ordinances, the regulatory and procedural provisions of M.S. Ch. 168, 169 (commonly referred to as the Highway Traffic Regulation Act) and 171, as amended through Laws 1987, are hereby incorporated herein and adopted by reference, including the penalty provisions thereof.
(A) It is unlawful for any person to drive a tractor, agricultural implement, truck over 10,000 pounds axle gross vehicle weight, truck-trailer, tractor-trailer or truck tractor in through traffic, upon any street, except those which have been designated and sign-posted as truck routes. The total weight for the entire vehicle shall not exceed 80,000 pounds. For the purpose of this section, THROUGH TRAFFIC means originating without the city and with a destination without the city, as distinguished from “local traffic” which means traffic either originating or having a destination within the city. The truck route designated by the City Council shall be kept on file for inspection at the City Clerk’s office in City Hall, 327 First Street South, Virginia, Minnesota.
(B) Violation of this section shall subject the violator to civil and criminal penalties pursuant to M.S. §§ 169.832 through 169.851, as they may be amended from time to time.
(Amended 2-26-2002)
(A) Definition. EXHIBITION DRIVING, as used in this section, means to stop, start, accelerate or decelerate a motor vehicle, or to turn such motor vehicle at an unnecessary rate of speed so as to cause tires to squeal, gears to grind, soil to be thrown, engine backfire, fishtailing or skidding or, as to two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor vehicles, the front wheel to lose contact with the ground or roadway surface.
(B) Unlawful act. It is a misdemeanor for any person to do any exhibition driving on any street, parking lot or other public or private property, except when an emergency creates necessity for the operation to prevent injury to persons or damage to property.