(A)   No owner or other person shall offer for rent or otherwise allow to be occupied via leasehold any rental unit unless the owner has first obtained a rental license under the terms hereof. No tenant shall occupy any rental unit that has not been issued a rental license.
   (B)   (1)   Owners of all rental units existing at the time of passage of this chapter shall apply for and obtain a rental license within six (6) months of the effective date of this chapter, and thereafter thirty (30) days prior to a property being converted to a rental unit or being converted to include a rental unit. Any owner desiring to offer for rent any rental unit shall make an application to the Building Osfficial for a rental license. All applications shall be made on the forms prescribed by and provided by the building official. Information on the form shall include, but not be limited to:
         (a)   The mailing address of each building owned by the landlord (property owner) offered for rent within the City of Villa Hills;
         (b)   The landlord (property owner) names and their business name;
         (c)   The landlord (property owner) personal residential and business addresses;
         (d)   The landlord (property owner) business email address;
         (e)   The landlord (property owner) telephone number for both mobile and landline if applicable;
         (f)   A local emergency contact person's name, address, email address, twenty-four/seven (24/7) telephone number;
         (g)   Proof of a Villa Hills or Kenton County countywide occupational license;
         (h)   If the landlord (property owner) residential and business addresses are not located in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, then proof of the registration as a foreign entity with the Kentucky Secretary of State and the name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of a registered agent in Kentucky.
         (i)   The names and a contact phone number for the tenants over the age of 18 residing in the rental unit to which the license applies.
      (2)   All information shall be updated by the landlord (property owner) on a new rental license form whenever a change shall occur or once per year upon renewal.
   (C)   One rental license shall be issued for each rental unit. In the event the property is sold, the seller is required to notify the city of the date and to whom the property is sold. A purchaser of any existing rental unit shall make an initial written application of the building official for a rental license within ninety (90) days of the purchase.
   (D)   The city shall have authority to exercise its regulatory powers hereunder, including the power to issue, deny, renew, revoke and suspend any rental license if the applicable laws are not met.
(Ord. 2017-7, passed 10-18-2017)