The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all rental units, including rooms or portions of houses that are offered to the public for occupancy including Bed and Breakfasts and rooms offered on social media platforms such as AirBNB except, however, that the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
   (A)   Owner occupied rental units, however other units in the same dwelling that are rented and occupied by non-family members of the owner are subject to the provisions of this chapter;
   (B)   Hotels, motels, inns, retreat centers, or other similar facilities which must obtain a permit from the Commonwealth of Kentucky and are subject to annual inspections by the local Board of Health;
   (C)   Hospitals, nursing homes, and other similar facilities which are permitted and inspected by the Commonwealth of Kentucky;
   (D)   Monasteries, convents, and other group lodging for religious organizations in which rooms are not offered for occupancy to the public; and
   (E)   Rental units that are owned, operated or managed by a government agency other than the city or which are exempt from municipal regulation pursuant to state or Federal law or regulations, but only so long as such government ownership, operation or management or exemption from municipal regulation continues in effect.
(Ord. 2017-7, passed 10-18-2017)