(A)   Pursuant to KRS 65.8811(1)(b), the City of Villa Hills participates in a Joint Code Enforcement Board through an Interlocal Agreement executed with other participating city and county members. This Joint Code Enforcement Board shall operate in lieu of a City Code Enforcement Board, and have jurisdiction and authority throughout the City of Villa Hills in the same manner as a City Code Enforcement Board created under KRS 65.8811(1)(a).
   (B)   The city's representation on the Joint Code Enforcement Board is established through the Interlocal Agreement with the participating cities and/or Kenton County, and any and all amendments to the Interlocal Agreement. The city shall appoint one (1) member, and two (2) alternate members to the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board. All appointments shall be made by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council. Members of the Kenton County-Joint Code Enforcement Board shall serve consistent with the provisions of the Interlocal Agreement.
   (C)   All appointments to the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board shall be for a term of three (3) years. Upon expiration of a term, a member or alternate member may be re-appointed by the Mayor, with approval by the City Council.
   (D)   Each member and alternate member appointed by the City of Villa Hills to the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board shall have resided within the boundaries of the City of Villa Hills for a period of at least one (1) year prior to the date of the member's appointment, and shall reside there throughout the term in office.
   (E)   In the event that the appointed member of the City of Villa Hills vacates his or her membership on the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board, the City shall, following the procedures in KRS 65.8811, fill the vacancy within sixty (60) days. If the Mayor has not filled the vacancy within sixty (60) days, then the remaining member of the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board shall fill the vacancy with another person who meets the qualifications in KRS 65.8811. All vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.
   (F)   Any member or alternate member appointed by the Mayor to the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board, pursuant to KRS 65.8811, may be removed by the Mayor for misconduct, inefficiency, or willful neglect of duty. In the event of removal, the Mayor shall submit a written statement to the member subject to removal, and to the City Council, setting forth the reasons for removal. The member so removed shall have the right to appeal the removal to the Kenton County Circuit Court.
   (G)   Any member or alternate member shall, prior to entering their duties, take the oath of office prescribed by § 228 of the Kentucky Constitution.
   (H)   The members of the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board may be compensated or reimbursed per the terms of the Interlocal Agreement, and its amendments.
   (I)   No member or alternate member appointed by the city to the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board shall hold any elected or appointed office, whether paid or unpaid, or any position of employment with the City of Villa Hills.
   (J)   A copy of the governing Interlocal Agreement shall be maintained in the Office of the City Clerk for inspection by the public.
(Ord. 2016-11, passed 11-16-2016; Am. Ord. 2020-2, passed 2-19-2020)