(A) Generally. The provisions of these standards shall not be exercised so as to impose regulations or require permits with respect to land used or to be used for agricultural purposes, or with respect to the erection, maintenance, repair, alteration, remodeling or extension of buildings or structures used or to be used for agricultural purposes upon the land, except that the buildings or structures for agricultural purposes may be required to conform to building or setback lines. In the event that the land ceases to be used solely for agricultural purposes, then and only then shall the provisions of these standards apply.
(B) Uses permitted. The following uses are permitted.
(1) All uses commonly classed as agriculture, horticulture, or forestry, including crop and tree farming, truck farming, gardening, nursery operation, dairy farming, stock raising, domestic animals and poultry breeding and raising, and forestry operations together with the operation of any machinery or vehicles incidental to the above uses.
(2) Temporary roadside stands for the display, sale or offering for sale of agricultural products grown or produced on the property, provided that no structure is located less than 10 feet from the highway right-of-way.
(3) One-family detached dwellings, subject to the requirements of § 155.030(D).
(4) Home occupations.
(5) Schools, elementary and high, and including playgrounds, school bus garage, athletic fields and other uses auxiliary thereto.
(6) Churches, rectories and parish houses.
(7) Seminaries, convents, monasteries and similar religious institutions, including dormitories and other accessory uses required for operation.
(8) Parks, forest preserves and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated.
(9) Golf courses, including ancillary uses provided, such as restaurants, including the sale of alcoholic beverages, residential uses for guests, manager and other employees, but not including commercially-operated driving ranges or miniature golf courses; and provided that no club house or accessory building shall be located nearer than 500 feet to any dwelling on another zoning lot.
(10) Temporary buildings for construction purposes for a period not to exceed 1 year.
(12) Signs, as permitted or required in § 155.150.
(13) Public utility facilities as defined in the State Act, entitled “An Act Concerning Public Utilities.”
(14) Active solar energy systems, building integrated solar energy systems, gird-intertie solar energy systems, off-grid solar energy system, passive solar energy system, photovoltaic systems, solar collectors, solar energy system, solar energy system additions, solar farms, solar gardens, solar heat exchangers, solar hot air systems, and/or solar hot water systems, installed in compliance with this ordinance and in compliance with applicable local, state and federal law shall be an allowable use, in addition to all others, in the Agricultural District except that solar farms shall require a special use permit.
(1) Mining, loading and hauling of sand, gravel, topsoil or other aggregate or minerals, including equipment, buildings or structures for screening, crushing, mixing, washing or storage, provided that:
(a) No open pit or shaft is less than 300 feet from any public road, nor less than 500 feet from an existing residences or residence district established herein.
(b) All buildings or structures for the screening, crushing, washing, mixing or storage are located not less than 1,000 feet from an existing residence or any residence district established herein;
(c) The borders of the entire property are fenced with a solid fence or wall at least 6 feet in height; and
(d) A plan of development for the reclamation of the land is provided as part of the application for special use.
(e) The plan of development shall be accompanied by a written agreement between the owner or his or her agent and the city, and a performance bond in an amount equal to the cost of the reclamation of the land as set forth in the development plan.
(2) Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities or maintenance facilities.
(3) Airports or aircraft landing fields.
(4) Cemeteries, including crematories and mausoleums in conjunction therewith if not located within 500 feet of any dwellings.
(5) Private recreational areas or camps.
(6) Radio and television towers, commercial.
(7) Gun clubs, if located not nearer than 1,000 feet to any residence other than that of the owner or lessee of the site, and if not so operated as to withdraw the land from its primary agricultural use.
(8) Filling of holes, pits, quarries or lowland with noncombustible material free from refuse and food wastes.
(9) Sanitary land fill, when supervised by the Building Official or the City Engineer.
(10) Rest homes, nursing homes, assisted living centers, hospitals and sanitariums, institutions for the aged and for children, for human beings only.
(11) Fur bearing animal farms.
(12) Dog kennels and animal hospitals.
(13) Public service uses, such as, filtration plant, pumping station and water reservoir; sewage treatment plant; police and fire stations; and other governmental uses.
(14) Penal and correctional institutions.
(15) Agricultural implement and machinery sales, service and repair.
(16) Animal feed, storage, preparation, grinding and mixing, wholesale and retail.
(17) Blacksmith or welding shop.
(18) Fertilizer sales, including bulk storage and mixing.
(19) Commercial feeding of poultry and livestock.
(20) Grain elevators and storage.
(21) Greenhouses, wholesale and retail.
(22) Milk depots.
(23) Milk processing and distribution, including pasteurizing and manufacture of ice cream, but not including the process or manufacture of cheese.
(24) Sales yard, wholesale or retail, for agricultural products, including but not necessarily limited to, fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants, and the like.
(25) Livestock depots and sales yards.
(26) Truck parking areas, the prime purpose of which is the loading and shipping of farm products, livestock, poultry, fertilizer, and the like.
(27) Wind energy conversion systems subject to compliance with Chapter 157.
(D) Lot size.
(1) Every one-family detached dwelling hereafter erected shall be located on a zoning lot having an area of not less than 3 acres, and a width at the established building line of not less than 150 feet. All or part of the zoning lot may be devoted to permitted agricultural uses.
(2) All other permitted uses shall be on a tract of land having an area of not less than 1 acre and a width at the established building line of not less than 100 feet.
(3) Minimum lot sizes for special uses shall be prescribed and conditions stipulated at the time a special use permit is authorized, but in no case shall any such lot have an area of less than 20,000 square feet and a width at the building line of 100 feet.
(E) Building setback line.
(1) No building or structure, other than permitted signs, hereafter erected shall be placed closer than 50 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of any public street, road or highway upon which the subject property abuts, or closer than 50 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of any proposed public street, road or highway set forth in officially adopted plans and upon which the subject property would abut.
(2) Buildings or structures may be placed up to 25 feet from the nearest right-of-way line of any public street, road or highway upon which the subject property abuts, provided that the structures do not create or perpetuate traffic hazards or hazardous conditions in adjoining R-1 or R-2 Zoning Districts, and further provided that all restrictions relative to signing and parking which may be imposed by the Plan Commission and approved by the City Council are observed.
(1992 Code, § 155.030) (Ord. passed 5- -1969; Am. Ord 112877B, passed 11-28-1977; Am. Ord. 122794B, passed 12-27-1994; Am. Ord. 2021- MC02, passed 2-8-2021; Am. Ord. 2021-MC12, passed 12-13-2021) Penalty, see § 155.999