Purchases by city employees, officers or elected officials, except as hereinabove exempted by the provisions of § 36.31, shall be pursuant to the following procedures.
   (A)   Those services, materials or supplies not exceeding $100 per order shall be purchased by obtaining the written approval of the duly appointed, acting and applicable department heads.  No further authorization shall be necessary.
   (B)   Subject to the provisions of division (C) below, those services, materials or supplies exceeding $100 per order shall be purchased by first obtaining a duly completed and signed purchase order issued by the Purchasing Agent.
   (C)   Subject to the provisions of divisions (E) and (F) below, those services, materials or supplies exceeding $500 per order, but less than $1,500 per order shall require prior to purchase, where possible, at least 3 telephonic or written quotes.  The Purchasing Agent shall document telephonic quotes not thereafter received in writing and when 3 quotes are not obtainable, he or she shall document these facts in writing, along with what efforts were made in attempting to obtain quotes.
   (D)   Subject to the provisions of divisions (E) and (F) below, those services, materials or supplies exceeding $1,500 per order shall be made through sealed bid and accepted by a majority of the City Council.  A public notice of sealed bid solicitation shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation at least 15 days prior to the scheduled public opening of bids.  Bid award shall be scheduled for the earliest City Council meeting practicable after public opening of bids.
   (E)   Upon the declaration of an emergency by the Mayor or a City Council member when it is necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the city, the Purchasing Agent shall be authorized to purchase services, materials or supplies in excess of $100 without formal bidding.  In such an event, the Purchasing Agent shall certify in writing to the City Council within 15 calendar days after purchase or award, the causes leading to the emergency and the measures taken to ensure competition among the vendors dealing in the services, materials or supplies purchased.
   (F)   Where practical, the Purchasing Agent shall follow all generally accepted practices of public purchasing, including joint and/or cooperative purchasing arrangements with other local, state or national governments or their agencies.  Where other governmental units have competitively bid for goods or services and the specifications of the bid award meet or exceed the standards established by the city, the Purchasing Agent may forego the quote process required for purchases or awards under $1,500, and may present the bids exceeding $1,500 to the City Council for award without advertising for bids for the matters under consideration.
(1992 Code, § 36.32)  (Ord. 21180, passed 2-11-1980; Am. Ord. 120991-2, passed 12-9-1991)