(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      GREASE TRAPS. A constructed device, and its appurtenant surfaces and working parts, with the function of removing fats, oils, and grease from wastewaters before such wastewaters are discharged to town sewers.
      PROHIBITED CONCENTRATION. Discharges of wastewaters from a grease trap in the town shall not exceed 250 milligrams per liter (total) of fats, oils, and grease in any sample, whether obtained as a composite or grab sample.
   (B)   Required installation and use of grease traps. Each person or operating facility within the town, other than a private residence, which will be used for the manufacture, processing, or preparation of food or food products must install and use, at his, her, or its own expense, a grease trap adequate to prevent a discharge of fats, oils, and grease to town sewers in prohibited concentrations. Any such facility in operation without such grease trap on the date of enactment of this section shall be required to install and use such a grease trap within 12 months of enactment.
   (C)   Required maintenance of grease traps.
      (1)   Each person who owns or operates a grease trap as required by division (B) above shall cause collected or trapped fats, oils, and grease to be cleaned and removed from such device on a periodic basis and delivered to a facility authorized to use, treat, or dispose of such material. Such cleanout and removal shall be accomplished on a monthly basis, unless the town, upon receipt of proof from the owner or operator or on the basis of its own inspection of the grease trap, determines that a less or more frequent maintenance schedule is required to achieve the purposes of this section and to minimize the discharge of a prohibited concentration of fats, oils, or grease.
      (2)   No fats, oils, or grease removed from a grease trap may be offered to a person for transportation, nor transported off the site where such materials were collected, except by a hauler licensed as required by division (F) below.
   (D)   Prohibition of discharge of fats, oils, and grease.
      (1)   No person shall discharge a prohibited concentration of fats, oils, or grease into town sewers from a facility required to install and use a grease trap.
      (2)   No person shall reintroduce or deposit into the town sewers any fats, oils, or grease which have been removed from the sewer system by grease traps.
      (3)   No person shall deposit or discharge into the town sewers any fats, oils, and grease which have been removed from a grease trap or sewer system outside the town.
   (E)   Prohibition on introduction of enzymes and emulsifiers. No person shall introduce, nor allow the introduction of, physical, chemical, or biological agents into grease traps for the purpose of resuspending, dissolving, emulsifying, or rendering soluble any fats, oils, or grease removed from a waste water by such grease traps and reintroducing them into the town sewer system.
   (F)   Permitting of grease haulers.
      (1)   No person shall own or operate a vehicle used to transport fats, oils, or grease collected from a grease trap, unless that vehicle is validly permitted by, and is inscribed with such permit numbers issued by, either:
         (a)   The State Department of Agriculture pursuant to ILCS Ch. 225, Act 610, §§ 9.1 and 9.21 (“scrap and grease permit”); or
         (b)   The town, pursuant to this division (F).
      (2)   Applications for town vehicle permits shall be accepted only from the record owner of the vehicles, and shall include such owner’s name and address, the location of the facility at which each such vehicle is garaged, the number, type, and registration number of vehicles to be used by the proposed permittee, and a sworn declaration of the facilities to which such fats, oils, or grease are to be delivered for use, treatment, or disposal.
      (3)   Permits issued hereunder shall be renewed annually and shall expire on December 31. A fee of $50 per vehicle shall accompany each application for an original or renewal permit.
   (G)   Requirements for grease haulers.
      (1)   No person may cause or allow the transportation of fats, oils, or grease away from the grease trap at which such materials were collected, unless such materials are accompanied by a shipping paper containing the information prescribed in division (G)(2) below. No specific form of shipping paper is required, unless the town prescribes and publishes public notice of the requirement to use a particular form.
      (2)   Each shipping paper shall contain at a minimum the following information:
         (a)   The name and telephone number of the owner or operator of the grease trap from which the fats, oils, or grease were collected, the street address of the grease trap, the volume of fats, oils, or grease and any associated water removed, the legible signature of an authorized representative of the owner or operator and the date of the materials removal; and
         (b)   The name, address, agriculture permit number, and telephone number of the transporter, an acknowledgment of receipt of the collected materials, the legible signature of an authorized representative of the transporter, and the date of collection; and
         (c)   The name, street address, and telephone number of the facility to which the material was delivered for use, treatment, or disposal, the date and time of delivery, the volume delivered, and the legible signature of an authorized representative of the transporter verifying the delivery.
      (3)   The grease trap owner or operator and transporter shall retain a copy of the shipping papers for a minimum of two years, and shall produce the documents upon request of the town or the owner or operator of the sewage treatment works to which the town’s sewers are tributary.
(Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 51.99