(A)   The exceptions to the open burning provisions are:
      (1)   Fires used for celebrating Twelfth Night Ceremonies;
      (2)   Fires used for celebrating school pep rallies;
      (3)   Fires used for celebrating scouting activities;
      (4)   Fires used for recreational and cooking purposes (for example, camp fires); and
      (5)   Residential burning where the residence contains four or fewer units.
   (B)   Burning shall be in a noncombustible container sufficiently vented to induce adequate primary combustion air with enclosed sides, a bottom, and a mesh covering with openings no larger than one-fourths inches square. Burning is prohibited in apartment complexes and mobile home parks.
   (C)   Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, the following types: all combustible and flammable materials and liquids, including animal carcasses, asbestos, cardboard, excelsior, fabric, garbage, grasses, greases, hazardous materials, leaves, medical wastes, oil, including used motor oil, oil base paint, shellac, paint thinner and any other oil-type product, gasoline and diesel fuel, including any other combustible and flammable liquids, paper, plastics, rags, refuse, rubbish, shrubbery prunings, vinyl, wood, wood products which have been painted, stained, or otherwise chemically treated, including railroad ties, yard waste, any materials listed as “combustible flammable waste”, and any other materials capable of being burned.
(Prior Code, § II.4) Penalty, see § 90.99