Whereas the impact fee program assigns a fee to every new customer of the Versailles water utility, it also pertains to existing customers whose water usage has changed to present an increased demand on the water utility. Factors that quantify a new or increased demand on the water system include:
(A) Meter size. Impacts by new development, or redevelopment, upon the water system is estimated by the meter size of the proposed or expanded facility. Since the vast majority of single-family residences are served through a 3/4 by 5/8-inch water meter, the 3-4 by 5/8-inch water meter represents one equivalent residential unit (ERU). Other meter sizes are listed on the Impact Fee Charge Schedule and are assigned an ERU factor to estimate their impact on the water system.
(B) Demand. The ERU represents the typical water demand of a single-family residential unit. As described in division (A), any demand greater than the ERU, as quantified by the potential of a larger meter, is estimated by applying the relevant ERU factor.
(Ord. 2017-30, passed 11-21-17; Am. Ord. 2023-15, passed 8-1-23)