For the purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BINS(S). A rigid metal or plastic container to be provided by the household for the collection of recyclable material and of the acceptable size and design as approved by the city.
   FIBER. Items that include paper products such as cardboard, newspaper, office paper, junk mail, magazines, and catalogues.
   RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. Those items designated as suitable for inclusion in the city’s curbside recycling program. These items are subject to change and are in reference to the materials accepted by City of Vermillion Missouri Valley Recycling.
   RECYCLING DECAL. The required authorized decal provided by the city to identify containers holding recyclable material for collection.
   RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE RECYCLING. Collection service provided by the City of Vermillion to single-family households and up to 5-unit multi-family residences for the collection of recyclable materials.
   RIGID CONTAINERS. Items that include plastic bottles and jugs, and metal cans and excluding glass bottles and jars.
(Ord. 1184, passed 4-21-2008)