   Any full-time employee of this City who has previously qualified for bonafide public service pension benefits under a State approved fund, such as the Public Employees Retirement System or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund, etc., may, at the option of such employee, apply for and receive from the Finance Director a lump sum pay out of certain leave and cash conversion benefits as the same are authorized and earned pursuant to the provisions of this chapter as of the date of such retirement. Such accrued benefits for which an employee may be eligible for cash conversion and/or lump sum pay out are:
   (a)   Accrued sick leave conversion as regulated by this chapter and any collective bargaining contract or employee agreement;
   (b)   Accrued vacation days as regulated by this chapter and any collective bargaining contract or employment agreement;
   (c)   Accrued and unused holidays as regulated by this chapter and any collective bargaining contract or employment agreement;
   (d)   Accrued and unused personal leave days as regulated by this chapter and any collective bargaining contract or employment agreement; and
   (e)   Pro-rated longevity pay as regulated by this chapter and any collective bargaining contract or employment agreement;
   The Finance Director shall make all calculations and decisions under this section. However, the same shall be appealable to the Employee Relations Committee of City Council, whose decision to affirm, modify or amend the Finance Director shall thereafter be deemed final.
(Ord. 88-69. Passed 11-21-88.)
   (a)   Affective as of 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 1988, and subject to the provisions of subsection (c) hereof, the full amount of the statutorily required contribution to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund shall be withheld from the gross pay of each City employee who qualifies and contributes to P.E.R.S. of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund and shall be "picked up" (assumed and paid to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund) by the City of Vermilion. This designated pick-up by the City of Vermilion, commencing as of January 1, 1988, is and shall be designated as public employee contributions and shall be in lieu of contributions to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund by each employee. No person subject to this pick-up shall have the option of choosing to receive the statutorily required contribution to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund directly instead of having it picked up by the City of Vermilion or of being excluded from the pick up.
   The City of Vermilion shall, in reporting and making remittance to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund, report that the public employee's contribution for each person subject to this designated pick-up has been made as provided by statute.
   (b)   The designated pick-up by the City of Vermilion, as provided by this section, shall apply to all City employees who qualify for and contribute to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Fireman's Disability and Pension Fund.
   (c)   If any employee herein is subject to a pick-up by the City of Vermilion of his or her statutorily required contribution to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund other than as provided by this chapter, the pick-up provided in subsection (a) hereof shall apply only to an amount equal to the difference between the full amount of that person's statutorily required contribution to the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund and the amount which is picked-up by the City of Vermilion other than as provided by this chapter.
   (d)   The gross wage or salary of any persons subject to the designated pick-up provided by this chapter shall not change as a result of this pick-up.
   (e)   The Finance Director is hereby directed to implement the provisions of this chapter to effect the designated pick-up of the statutorily required contributions to the Public Employee Retirement System of Ohio or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund for those employees established herein so as to enable them to obtain the resulting Federal and State deferments.
(Ord. 87-97. Passed 12-7-87.)
   (a)   City vehicles will be permanently assigned to those departments which have demonstrated a continuing need for them. If City vehicles are assigned to departments, then employees cannot use their personal vehicles for the purpose of claiming a reimbursement.
   (b)   Employees who drive a vehicle on City business must possess a valid driver's license and are responsible for making sure the vehicle is in proper working order, and must obey all traffic laws including seat belt usage. If an employee is aware of a problem with a vehicle they are to immediately inform their supervisor. It is the supervisor's responsibility to assure that the problem is corrected as soon as possible. Employees are also responsible for any fines or parking violations incurred as a result of driving.
   (c)   Employees are not permitted, under any circumstances, to operate a City vehicle, or a personal vehicle for City business, when any physical or mental impairment causes the employee to be unable to drive safely. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, circumstances in which the employee is temporarily unable to operate a vehicle safely or legally because of illness, medication, or intoxication.
   (d)   Employees must report any accident involving a City vehicle or a personal vehicle used on City business to their supervisor regardless of the extent of damage or lack of injuries. Such reports must be made as soon as possible after the accident. Employees are expected to cooperate fully with the authorities in the event of an accident. However, employees should make no voluntary statement other than in reply to questions of investigating officers. If an accident occurs they have to report it immediately to the supervisor who must report to the Mayor's office.
   (e)   Employer provided vehicle use:
      (1)   Due to their 24 hour a day on call status, certain department members may have a City vehicle for commuting for the purpose of enhanced response times.
      (2)   Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations state that employer provided vehicles are taxable to the employee. Exceptions are for clearly marked police and fire vehicles, unmarked law enforcement vehicles, and marked pickup trucks with mechanical equipment. These departments will maintain additional procedures in regards to their vehicles.
   (f)   No employee shall operate a city vehicle or a personal vehicle for city business when their driver's license has been revoked or suspended by a court of law, unless such court granted work privileges.
   (g)   No employee shall smoke in a City owned vehicle.
   (h)   Transportation.
      (1)   Each vehicle has its own practical purpose. No vehicle should be used for any purpose other than it was designed for, unless authorized by the Mayor and/or his/her designee.
      (2)   All employees operating a vehicle to haul or with the capability of hauling materials on public highways are to ensure their cargo is secured and the vehicles Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) is not exceeded.
      (3)   Only City of Vermilion employees may operate City vehicles. No City vehicle is to be used for personal or private use without authorization by the Mayor and/or his/her designee.
      (4)   Unless exempted by State law, vehicles rated at or above 26000 lbs. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) must be operated by employees with Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) only. A copy of their current driver's license must be on file in their personnel file for insurance purposes.
      (5)   No employee is permitted to pick up or transport anyone not employed by the City of Vermilion unless authorized by the department head.
         (Ord. 2010-75. Passed 12-6-10.)
   (a)   It is the city's policy to provide the highest standard of service to our community. Utilizing cellular phones improves the quality of service delivered, employee productivity, and enhances business efficiencies. Cellular technology provides assistance with disaster recovery, and offers portable alternatives for immediate communication, enabling time and distance to be managed more effectively.
   (b)   Employees should utilize hands-free calling if available and exercise common sense rules when cellular communication is necessary while operating a vehicle. For example, employees should keep conversations brief, avoid unnecessary calls, and no calls should be made if driving is hazardous. Further, if the employee needs to read or write while taking the call, he/she should pull off the road. Texting while driving is prohibited. The city will seek reimbursement for any additional charges resulting from personal calls. Misuse of a city cellular phone may result in its revocation and possible disciplinary action.
   (c)   Cellular phone contract minutes should be the smallest plan available to accommodate the particular business need. The Mayor's office will keep a list of all the authorized users of cell phones, and nobody shall be added to the list, nor shall plan changes that increase the City's cost be made without the Mayor's approval.
   (d)   The Finance Department will charge the cost of cellular telephones back to the appropriate department.
   (e)   Personal Use. Employee are required to pay for costs incurred for personal calls as follows: When personal calls/minutes cause the monthly plan minutes to be exceeded, or long distance/roaming fees for personal calls, reimbursement must be made to the city. Anytime the City's bill has additional charges, the Mayor's office will send the billing statement to the user who must review the statement and remit the full amount owed for personal calls within 30 days of receipt of the monthly statement. In those circumstances when a city-owned cellular phone is not assigned to an individual but rather is shared by more than one employee, all employees who make or receive any personal calls on such phones shall retain a record of such calls including the date, cellular telephone number, and inbound/outbound telephone number. Such employees shall then be required to reimburse the city for costs incurred as a result of personal use as described above.
   (f)   Personal Cellular Phones. While at work employees are expected to exercise the same discretion in using personal cellular phones as is expected for the use of city phones. Personal calls are limited to emergency or pressing reasons, preferably during breaks and meal periods.
   (g)   Violation. Employees violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action according to departmental operating procedures and/or collective bargaining agreements.
   (h)   Loss or Damage of Cellular Telephone. The employees assigned a cellular telephone are responsible for safeguarding the City's equipment. Consequently, loss or damage can result in the employee being charged for replacement in accordance with the charges to the City from the cell phone provider.
(Ord. 2010-86. Passed 12-20-10.)