(a)   For all purposes hereinafter specified, "overtime pay" shall be paid on an hourly basis at a rate of time and one-half. In the Police Division only, for purposes of this section, all work by full-time employees within the Division in any regular weekly pay period, i.e. 7:00 a.m. Saturday through 7:00 a.m. of the following Saturday, in excess of forty hours per week, shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half. Sick leave, personal leave, holidays, bereavement days and authorized vacation days shall count toward hours in excess of forty per regular one-week pay period. Police personnel shall not receive per diem overtime pay except as it accumulates in computing overtime hours in excess of forty hours as herein provided. (Ord. 84-11. Passed 1-16-84.)
   (b)   Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant operators shall be assigned a schedule of regular working shifts by the Utilities Manager according to two optional work schedules which the Utilities Manager is hereby authorized and directed to establish and implement. The first schedule shall be that of regular eight-hour days for which overtime shall be paid according to subsection (c) hereof. The second optional schedule shall consist of regualr working days of twelve hours each with overtime being calculated for hours worked in excess of twelve hours per day or in excess of eighty hours per established fourteen-day pay periods. Sick leave, personal leave, holidays, bereavement days and authorized vacation days shall count towards hours in excess of eighty per regular two-week pay period. (Ord. 84-15. Passed 2-6-84.)
   (c)   For all other nonadministrative and nonclerical employees of the City, all work by such employees in any one calendar week in excess of eight hours per day or forty hours per week shall be paid at the overtime rate of pay. Such overtime hours shall be paid either on a per diem or per calendar week basis, whichever is of the greater benefit to the employee. However, no duplication of overtime or weekly overtime shall be paid, but not a combination thereof.
   (d)   All overtime work and overtime pay by employees of the City must be authorized by the head of the department in which the employee is employed. (Ord. 80-71. Passed 12-15-80.)