Official Standards
204.01     Bench mark; datum.
204.02     Official City flag.
204.03     City seal.
204.04   Display of flags.
      State standard of time - see Ohio R.C. 1.04
      State legal holidays - see Ohio R.C. 1.14, 5.20
         et seq.
      State flag - see Ohio R.C. 5.01
      State floral emblem - see Ohio R.C. 5.02
      State bird - see Ohio R.C. 5.03
      State tree - see Ohio R.C. 5.05
      State motto - see Ohio R.C. 5.06
   204.01 BENCH MARK; DATUM.
   All grade levels within the City shall be measured from the United States Geodetic Survey marker nearest to the proposed work or construction.
(Ord. 639. Passed 3-6-61.)
   (a).   The flag described in this section is hereby adopted as the official flag of the City of Vermilion:
A three feet by nine feet pennant style flag having a royal blue background with a white schooner imprinted thereon, such schooner being a copy of the original schooner built at the City of Vermilion, Ohio.
   (b)   All City departments shall be furnished copies of this section by the Clerk of Council so that they may display such flag when it is required or deemed advisable in the operation ofthe various departments.
(Ord. 71R-5. Passed 4-19-71.)
   204.03   CITY SEAL.
   The seal of the City shall consist of the following design:
   A circular shield; showing a schooner resting beside a dock which supports a small building; with trees and seagulls in the background; such scene to be bounded with a rope and with the words "Vermilion, Ohio Harbour Town 1837" and shall correspond substantially with the following design:
Mounted City Seal
(Res. 75R-35. Passed 12-1-75.)
   (a)   Flags displayed on property owned by the City of Vermilion shall be displayed in accordance with United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, and R.C. § 5.012.
   (b)   City property shall only be used as a non-public forum for the display of flags authorized by this section and those flags are an expression of the City’s official government speech.
   (c)   Except as set forth in subsection (d) below, City property, including without limitation City parks, buildings and rights-of-way, shall only be used to display the following flags: the flag of the United States of America, the flag of the State of Ohio, the flag of the City of Vermilion, and the flag that depicts the profile of a prisoner of war against the background of a prisoner of war camp watchtower, commonly known as the POW/MIA flag.
   (d)   In addition to the flags referenced in subsection (c) hereof, the Rotary flag may be displayed at the Rotary Centennial Park.
   (e)   In addition to the flags referenced in subsection (c) hereof, the official United States Service flags may be displayed at Exchange Park.
(Ord. 2023-57. Passed 9-11-23.)