The following features will be added to various parts of the storm water conveyance system at the City properties to help control potential pollutants in the storm water before it leaves the site:
    (a)   Oil-Absorbent Materials. Oils and greases storm water can be removed using oil absorbent materials to contain oil spills. The absorbent material preferentially absorbs oil, and does not fill with water, so it can be used on storm water with small concentrations of oily materials.
    (b)   Permanent floating booms. Installed in storm water ditches to control occasional light surface sheen. When the boom is spent, it is full of oil and is visibly heavier, and floats lower in the water. The booms are inexpensive enough that they may easily be replaced whenever the absorbent is saturated.
   (c)   Vegetated Swale or Channel. Plants provide peak flow control by slowing the water and remove some pollutants by encouraging the deposition of sediments and intercepting oily wastes that may be in the water. This control can be retrofitted to an existing storm water conveyance simply by allowing grasses to grow, if it does not interfere with storm water drainage and cause water to back up onto the site.
   (d)   Catch Basin Filters. Storm drain inlets or inlet inserts that contains filtration media or other design features to removes particulates and oily wastes from storm water as it enters the storm drain.
      (Ord. 2011-44. Passed 8-1-11.)