(a)    Outdoor material storage areas will be inspected for possible exposure of pollutants to storm water runoff. Bulk solid materials, raw materials, and construction materials, or supplies stored outdoors will be covered and protected from storm water if pollutants could enter storm water. Materials of concern on the facility include gravel, sand, lumber, topsoil, compost, concrete, metal products, and others.
   (b)   The BMPs for the outdoor materials storage and handling areas for this facility are as follows:
      (1)   Material is stored in one of three ways:
         A.   On a paved surface with a roof or covering so that no direct rainfall contacts them, and with appropriate berms or runoff controls to prevent run-on of storm water.
         B.   On a specially constructed paved area with a drainage system with a slope to minimize water pooling. Prevent runoff and run-on with berms or curbing along the perimeter. Drainage is directed to treatment facilities or water quality catch basins along the lower edge of the pad.
         C.   Covered with plastic sheeting, secured with weights such as fires or sand bags. If possible, a mounded or bermed area that will prevent run-on of storm water through the material will be used.
      (2)   The parking lot or other surfaces near bulk materials storage facilities will be swept periodically to remove fines that may wash out of the materials. Liquid tanks will be kept in a designated area on a paved impermeable surface and within a berm or other secondary containment.
      (3)   Hazardous materials will be stored as described in the Hazardous Materials Management Plan and in a manner that ensures storm water protection.
      (4)   Outdoor storage containers will be kept in good condition. Containers will be inspected regularly for damage or leaks.
      (5)   A portable pumping system will be used that can be moved to accommodate separate containment structures on the facility. Water can then be pumped into a truck or portable temporary holding tank. The water then can be tested and disposed of according to whether any pollutants are present.
      (6)   Road salt storage areas are covered.
      (7)   Salt truck loading areas are swept regularly to minimize salt laden runoff. Drainage from the salt truck loading area is captured by an onsite basin to minimize salt laden discharges from the facility.
         (Ord. 2011-44. Passed 8-1-11.)