(a) The City Fire Chief shall cause all underground fuel tanks located within the corporate limits to be inspected. Each location shall pay unto the City, through the Fire Chief or his or her agent, the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per inspection and shall complete an underground tank permit or piping change application promulgated by the City Fire Chief or his or her designee each year. The Fire Chief shall keep a file of all active and inactive underground storage tanks.
(b) Any person, firm, or corporation having ownership or control of an underground storage tank that has been determined to be defective, hazardous or leaking by the Vermilion Fire Chief or his or her designee, shall, upon receiving appropriate orders to do so, remove or repair such underground storage tank within the time set forth in such notice, and no person shall neglect to do so.
(c) Any person, failing to comply with the provisions hereof, shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to both the penalty and equitable remedy set forth in Section 1610.99
(Ord. 2015-68. Passed 12-14-15.)