(A) Temporary zoning. Whenever any areas are annexed to the municipality, the same shall be considered as temporarily within a district determined as follows:
(1) All lots, tracts or land which, prior to annexation, were subject to zoning regulation shall be classified as being in whichever district of this chapter most clearly conforms to the zoning that had existed, such classification to be recommended by the Planning Commission to the Council and adopted by resolution of the Council.
(2) All lots, tracts or land which, prior to annexation, were not subject to zoning regulations shall be classified as residence district as to vacant land, and, as to improved land, as being whatever district of this chapter most clearly conforms to the future land use plan for the annexed area, such classification to be recommended by the Planning Commission to the Council and adopted by resolution of the Council.
(B) Permanent zoning. Within 30 days after annexation, the Planning Commission shall formulate and transmit to Council its recommendations as to permanent zoning for all annexed area, whereupon, Council shall hold at least 1 public hearing, after first giving reasonable public notice thereof, upon the question of said permanent zoning, which shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions in § 150.66 hereof with respect to amendments of this chapter.
(C) Conditional zoning by petition. The owner or owners of any real estate contemplating the annexation of said real estate to the city shall have the right and privilege of petitioning the Council of the city for the conditional zoning of real estate prior to the annexation of said real estate to the city, with said conditional zoning to become the final and absolute zoning automatically and simultaneously with the annexation of said real estate to the city at any time, either prior to the filing of the required petitions for annexation with the Board of County Commissioners and the Council of the city, or after said petitions have been filed and are pending. The Council of the city shall proceed with the necessary steps to comply with the Revised Code of Ohio and the ordinances of the city, by referring said petition for the conditional zoning of real estate prior to the annexation of said real estate to the city, with said conditional zoning to become the final and absolute zoning automatically and simultaneously with the annexation of said real estate to the city, to the Planning Commission of the city for its recommendation and to provide for a public hearing on the question of the proposed amendment to the zoning code to provide for the conditional zoning of real estate prior to the annexation of said real estate to the city, with said conditional zoning to become the final and absolute zoning automatically and simultaneously with the annexation of said real estate to the city shall contain the provision that said ordinance is to automatically become the final and absolute zoning of said real estate automatically and simultaneously with the annexation of said real estate to the city.
(1981 Code, § 150.12) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993)
Accessory uses and essential services as defined in § 150.02 shall be permitted in all zoning districts established by this chapter.
(1981 Code, § 150.13) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993)
The permitted and conditional uses for each district are shown in the following tabulations. Accessory uses and essential services shall be permitted in all zoning districts established by this chapter. The interpretation of uses listed in each district shall be as defined in § 150.03. Except as specifically defined in § 150.03, all permitted and conditional uses shall carry their customary meaning. Uses not specifically listed or interpreted to be included categorically under this section and §§ 150.05 through 150.13 shall not be permitted except by amendment to the chapter.
(A) R-1 Low Density Residence.
(1) Permitted uses:
Public uses
Single-family dwelling
Semipublic uses
(2) Conditional uses requiring board approval:
Public service facility
Home occupations
Two-family dwelling
Professional activities
Non-commercial recreational facilities
Bed and breakfast
Cottage homes
(B) R-2 Medium density residence.
(1) Permitted uses:
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Public uses
Semipublic uses
(2) Conditional uses requiring Board approval:
Multiple-family dwelling
Prefabricated home subdivision
Public service facility
Professional activities
Home occupations
Non-commercial recreational facilities
Adult foster care home
Bed and breakfast
Cottage homes
(C) R-3 High density residence.
(1) Permitted uses:
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Multiple-family dwelling
Public uses
Semipublic uses
(2) Conditional uses requiring Board approval:
Prefabricated home subdivision
Noncommercial recreational facilities
Nursery school/child care
Nursing homes
Professional activities
Home occupations
Conversion of dwellings to apartments
Mobile home park
Bed and breakfast
Residential care facility/assisted living
Cottage homes
(D) B-1 Local business.
(1) Permitted uses:
Neighborhood business
Personal services
Professional activities
Public service facility
Public uses
Financial institutions
(2) Conditional uses requiring Board approval:
Automobile service station
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Multiple-family dwelling
Bed and breakfast
(E) B-2 Central business.
(1) Permitted uses:
Retail business
Personal services
Business services
Financial institutions
Restaurants and taverns
Social activities
Professional activities
Commercial entertainment facility
Semipublic uses
Public service facility
Public uses
Upper-floor dwelling
(2) Conditional uses requiring Board approval:
Automobile service stations
Drive-in banks
Automobile sales and repair
Printing and publishing
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Multiple-family dwelling
Bed and breakfast
First floor dwelling
Homeless shelter
Emergency shelter
Drop in center
Permanent supportive housing
Transitional housing
(F) B-3 Highway and general business.
(1) Permitted uses:
Retail business
Personal services
Business services
Financial institutions
Social activities
Drive-in commercial uses
Commercial entertainment
Restaurants and taverns
Public and semipublic uses
Professional services
Medical marijuana dispensary
(2) Conditional uses requiring Board approval:
Outdoor advertising
Wholesale business
Printing and publishing
Animal hospitals and clinics
Bakeries and dairies
Commercial recreational facilities
Sales and storage of building materials
Transport and trucking terminals
Public service facility
Automobile service stations
Automobile sales and repair
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Multiple-family dwelling
Group homes
All permitted and conditional uses under I-1 restricted industrial
Bed and breakfast
Residential care facility/assisted living
Truck plaza
Homeless shelter
Emergency shelter
Drop in center
Permanent supportive housing
Transitional housing
(G) I-1 Restricted industrial.
(1) Permitted uses:
Restricted manufacturing
Printing and publishing
Public service facilities
Homeless shelter
Emergency shelter
Drop in center
Permanent supportive housing
Transitional housing
(2) Conditional uses requiring Board approval:
Outdoor advertising
Food processing
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Multiple-family dwelling
All permitted and conditional uses under B-3 highway and general business
Truck plaza
(H) I-2 General industrial.
(1) Permitted uses:
General manufacturing
Manufacturing, sale and storage of building materials
Transport and trucking terminals
Wholesale business
Food processing
Public service facility
Grain elevators and feed mills
Sexually oriented businesses, subject to § 150.51
Homeless shelter
Emergency shelter
Drop in center
Permanent supportive housing
Transitional housing
(2) Conditional uses requiring Board approval:
Outdoor advertising
Sand, gravel and topsoil extraction
Automobile service station
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Multiple-family dwelling
Group homes
Truck plaza
(1981 Code, § 150.15) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993; Am. Ord. 6863-98, passed 5-27-1998; Am. Ord. 6865-98, passed 5-27-1998; Am. Ord. 00–12-094, passed 1-8-2001; Am. Ord. 01-02-007, passed 4-9-2001; Am. Ord. 02-02-003, passed 2-25-2003; Am. Ord. 02-02-009, passed 2-25-2002; Am. Ord. 08-12-100, passed 1-26-2009; Am. Ord. 11-09-055, passed 11-14-2011; Am. Ord. 20-06-034, passed 7-27-2020; Am. Ord. 21-05-037, passed 6-28-2021; Am. Ord. 24-05-029, passed 7-8-2024; Am. Ord. 24-06-035, passed 7-8-2024)
District | Minimum Lot Width (in feet) | Minimum Lot Area (per family) | Minimum (in feet) | Minimum Yard Width (in feet) | Maximum Height of Buildings | |||
Front | Rear | Yard either side | Sum of Side Yards | Stories | Feet
District | Minimum Lot Width (in feet) | Minimum Lot Area (per family) | Minimum (in feet) | Minimum Yard Width (in feet) | Maximum Height of Buildings | |||
Front | Rear | Yard either side | Sum of Side Yards | Stories | Feet
| |||
R-1(A) Single-family | 100 | 15,000 sq. ft. | 40 | 40 | 12 | 25 | 3 | 45 |
R-1(B) Single-family | 85 | 11,000 sq. ft. | 35 | 35 | 7 | 20 | 3 | 45 |
R-2 | ||||||||
Single-family | 75 | 9,000 sq. ft. | 30 | 35 | 7 | 20 | 3 | 45 |
Two-family | 110 | 6,600 sq. ft. | 30 | 35 | 10 | 23 | 3 | 45 |
Multi-family | 125 | 4,500 sq. ft. | 30 | 35 | 20 | 40 | 3 | 45 |
R-3 | ||||||||
Single-family | 60 | 7,200 sq. ft. | 25 | 30 | 7 | 18 | 3 | 45 |
Two-family | 80 | 4,800 sq. ft. | 25 | 30 | 12 | 24 | 3 | 45 |
Multi-family | 100 | |||||||
Efficiency | 2,500 sq. ft. | 25 | 30 | 15 | 35 | 4 | 60 | |
One-bedroom | 2,500 sq. ft. | 25 | 30 | 15 | 35 | 4 | 60 | |
Two-bedroom | 3,000 sq. ft. | 25 | 30 | 15 | 35 | 4 | 60 | |
Three plus-bedroom | 3,500 sq. ft. | 25 | 30 | 15 | 35 | 4 | 60 | |
Five stories may be considered with approval of the Fire Department and the Board of Zoning Appeals
(B) Application for exceptions to the dimensional requirements may be made to the Board for existing isolated deep lot with relatively narrow frontages. Any proposed construction or erection of buildings on lots of existing record which do not meet existing setback requirements may be approved by the City Building Inspector where the proposed building lot line is in line with the existing adjacent properties.
(1981 Code, § 150.20) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993; Am. Ord. 6761-97, passed 3-10-1997; Am. Ord. 07-07-068, passed 8-13-2007; Am. Ord. 07-07-069, passed 8-13-2007)
(A) The floor area per family in dwellings erected on any lot shall not be less than that established by the following table. In determining floor area, only area used for living quarters shall be counted. Utility rooms, garages, carports, porches, laundry area, heater rooms, and basements are to be excluded.
(B) Minimum floor area per each family unit (square feet).
District | Single and 2 Family Dwellings | Cottage Homes | Apartment Dwellings 1 Bedroom Unit | 2 or More Bedrooms
R-1 | 1,200 | 500 | 750 | 900 + 125* |
R-2 | 1,050 | 500 | 750 | 900 + 125* |
R-3 | 900 | 500 | 650 | 800 + 125* |
* Add 125 square feet for each additional bedroom over 2.
(1981 Code, § 150.21) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993; Am. Ord. 24-06-035, passed 7-8-2024)
District | Lot Width (in feet) | Minimum Lot Area | Minimum Depth (in feet) | Minimum Width Each Side Yard (in feet) | Maximum Height of Building (in feet) | |
Front Yard | Rear Yard
District | Lot Width (in feet) | Minimum Lot Area | Minimum Depth (in feet) | Minimum Width Each Side Yard (in feet) | Maximum Height of Building (in feet) | |
Front Yard | Rear Yard
| |||||
R-1 | 150 | 1 acre | 50 | 50 | 30 | 45 |
R-2 | 125 | 30,000 sq. ft. | 40 | 40 | 30 | 45 |
R-3 | 100 | 20,000 sq. ft. | 40 | 40 | 25 | 45 |
B-1 | 60 | 6,000 sq. ft. | 30 | 20 | None | 60 |
B-2 | None | None | None | None | None | 60 |
B-3 | 150 | 30,000 sq. ft. | 60 | 30 | None | 60 |
I-1 | 200 | 1 acre | 50 | 40 | 30 | 60 |
I-2 | 250 | 2 acres | 40 | 40 | 30 | No restriction |
(1981 Code, § 150.22) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993; Am. Ord. 18-01-001, passed 2-12-2018)
(A) Minimum yard requirements. Nonresidential buildings or uses shall not be located nor conducted closer to any lot line of an SR or R District than the distance specified in the following schedule, except as provided in division (B) of this section.
Minimum side or rear yard abutting any R District:
25 feet Off-street parking and loading spaces and access drives for nonresidential uses.
50 feet Churches, schools and public or semipublic buildings.
60 feet Recreation facilities, entertainment facilities, motels, all business uses.
80 feet Outside sale or storage of automobiles, trucks automobile service stations, recreation vehicles and equipment, building material or construction equipment, bulk material, and all industrial uses.
(B) Landscaping or screening provisions. For nonresidential uses abutting R Districts the minimum yards may be reduced to 50% of the requirements stated in division (A) above if acceptable landscaping or screening approved by the Planning Commission is provided. Such screening shall be a masonry or solid fence between 4 and 6 feet in height, maintained in good condition and free of all advertising or other signs. Landscaping, provided in lieu of such wall or fence shall consist of a marginal planting not less than 15 feet in width planted with an evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs not less than 4 feet in height. Parking of automobiles for nonresidential uses may be permitted within 10 feet of the boundaries of R Districts, provided screening is installed as specified herein subject to approval of a plan therefore by the Planning Commission.
(1981 Code, § 150.23) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993)
Any lot of record 40 feet or wider existing at the effective date of this chapter in any R District may be used for the erection of a single-family dwelling even though its area and width are less than the minimum requirement set fourth herein. Each side yard shall be a minimum of 5 feet. Where 2 adjacent lots of record with less than the required area and width are held by 1 owner, the Board may require that the lot be combined and used for 1 main building. In either case, the prevailing setback shall be met. Where 3 or more contiguous unimproved lots of record with less than the required area and width were in existence and held under 1 ownership at the effective date of this chapter the Board shall require replatting to fewer lots to permit compliance with minimum yard requirements.
(1981 Code, § 150.24) (Ord. 6570-93, passed 12-13-1993)