(a) The date, time and place of all regular meetings of any of the public bodies referred to in Section 206.01 shall be noted in a calendar of monthly meetings, which calendar shall be posted by the Clerk of the Village on the notice board outside of the Village Hall not later than five calendar days prior to the first day of the month in which such meetings will be held.
(b) The date, time, place and purpose of any special meeting of any of the public bodies referred to in Section 206.01 shall be provided to any news media by the Clerk not later than twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled starting time of such meeting.
(c) In the event of an emergency meeting of any of the public bodies referred to in Section 206.01, the Clerk shall communicate the date, time, place and purpose of such meeting to the news media that have requested such notification.
(d) Any news media desiring notification shall make such a request, in writing, upon an appropriate letterhead, to the Clerk. Council, or the Clerk, may from time to time request that updated letters of notification be filed by the news media. All such requests shall be filed by the Clerk and shall be a matter of public record.
(e) Any person, organization or group of persons is entitled to mail notice of the calendar of monthly meetings. To obtain this notice, such persons are required to fill out a form provided by the Clerk for such purposes and shall pay a fee of one dollar ($1. 00) per calendar requested. It shall thereafter be the duty of the Clerk to provide such notice. All such requests shall be filed by the Clerk and shall be a matter of public record.
(f) Any requesting person, organization or group of persons shall receive advance notice of all meetings at which any specific type of public business will be discussed and/or acted upon. To obtain this notice, such persons are required to fill out a form provided by the Clerk for such purposes and shall pay a fee of one dollar ($1.00) per notification. It shall thereafter be the duty of the Clerk to provide such notice. All such requests shall be filed by the Clerk and shall be a matter of public record.
(g) The notifications required under this section shall be in addition to any and all other notice requirements provided by law.
(Ord. 75-11-2. Passed 12-2-75.)