The following ordinances concerning the McCall area of city impact have been adopted by the county in relationship to ordinances adopted by the McCall city council which amend the McCall city code. Only the title and subject of each ordinance is included, not the entirety of the ordinance.
   ORDINANCE 06-2. An ordinance of Valley County authorizing the application to the city of McCall area of city impact of McCall city code titles 3 and 9, as amended and adopted respectively, by its ordinances 821 and 822; including its zoning map; and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 3-27-2006)
   ORDINANCE 08-01. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, creating an ordinance to be administered by the Valley County sheriff's office and to be known as waterway ordinance for Big Payette Lake Watershed, establishing regulations for use of said watershed in order to promote and protect the health, safety, and general welfare of citizens of the county. (Approved by BOCC 2-11-2008, instrument #386512)
   RESOLUTION 08-07. A resolution of the Valley County board of commissioners, Idaho, amending McCall area comprehensive plan, providing for related matters, and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 1-28-2008, instrument #330800)
   ORDINANCE 10-2. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, amending subsections 3.9.04(D) and (H) of the McCall city code applied within the city of McCall area of city impact, as adopted by ordinance 06-2; and to revise the procedure for administering the authorization of street banners over Highway 55, temporary event signs on utility and light poles, authorizing the McCall city council to designate regulations by resolution, and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 7-6-2010, instrument #353342)
   ORDINANCE 10-3. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, amending title 3 of the McCall city code applied within the city of McCall area of city impact, as adopted by ordinance 06-2, to clarify the definitions of farm animals, zones allowed, and conditions required to keep small farm animals. (Approved by BOCC 7-6-2010, instrument #353341)
   ORDINANCE 11-10. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending chapter 5 of title 3 section 3.5.01 purpose and adding new sections 3.5.05 business park use regulations, 3.5.06 business park zone general development standards, 3.5.07 public improvements, 3.5.08 hours of operation and noise restrictions, 3.5.9 planned unit development requirements, 3.5.10 vehicle and bicycle parking, 3.5.11 architectural, 3.5.12 landscaping, 3.5.13 fencing, 3.5.14 outdoor lighting, and 3.5.15 sustainable construction standards; and amending chapter 1 of title 3 section 3.1.05 establishment of zoning districts; and amending chapter 7 section 3.07.032 requirements for development (D), and amending chapter 8 sections 3.8.05(A) temporary storage and merchandising facilities not to become permanent, 3.8.06 parking provisions, driveways and loading areas (A) and (D)2, 3.8.061 parking area development standards (A)1, 3.8.064(A) driveways, 3.08.07(B) animals, 3.08.09 provision for trash storage, collection and disposal, 3.08.10(G) fencing, 3.08.13(A)2, (B), (C), and (D), and amending chapter 9 sections 3.09.02 definitions, 3.09.03(D)2, (E)3, sign standards by zone, section 3.09.07(K) prohibited signs; and amending chapter 10 of title 3 section 3.10.01 purpose, 3.10.07(F) developer benefits, 3.10.08(I) development standards, 3.10.08(C)2b, and amending chapter 16 of title 3 section 3.16.02 applicability, and amending chapter 3 of title 9 section 9.3.05(A) alleys, and amending chapter 4 of title 9 section 9.4.05(C) and (E) other mobile home/manufactured units, and amending chapter 6 of title 9 sections 9.6.02(A)3, (C) and (T), and 9.6.05(D)6b, and chapter 7 of title 9 section 9.7.06(C) environmental and aesthetics of the applied McCall city code within the city of McCall area of impact, as adopted by ordinance no. 06-02, all of which amendments provide for the creation of a new business park zone and/or account for the new business park zone regulations. (Approved by BOCC 4-11-2011, instrument #359661)
   ORDINANCE 12-3. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code sections 3.7.032(G) bike paths, 3.8.16(C) other requirements, 3.10.09(G)(9) application procedure, 3.13.032(A)(3)(1) application for conditional use permit, and 3.13.032(B)(2) application for conditional use permit to provide for a new subsection number 5 and to renumber the existing subsections 5 and 6 to subsections 6 and 7 of title 3; to amend sections 9.1.05(B)(2) scope - record of survey procedure, 9.2.07(C)(19)(20) final plat, and 9.2.06(A) easements, 9.3.05(F) alleys, 9.3.07(B) pedestrian and bicycle pathways and greenbelts, 9.6.02(A) improvement requirements, 9.6.03(4) driveways, residential, and 9.6.10 construction drawings and as built information of title 9; and 2.2.040(C)(3) zoning and site development of title 2, to provide references to the digital data submission standards policy. (Approved by BOCC 6-2-2012, instrument #369852)
   ORDINANCE 12-5. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the impact area section 3.7.032 scenic route zone requirements for development - procedural rules to align the review procedure for scenic route applications with the procedure for review of design review applications; deleting existing subsection (I); and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 8-20-2012, instrument #371446)
   ORDINANCE 13-01. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code title 3 section 3.8.06 parking provisions, driveways and loading area, section 3.8.061 parking and development standards and section 3.8.062 off street parking requirements to reduce parking requirements for existing buildings and new construction in central business district, community commercial, industrial and business park zones and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 2-25-2013, instrument #377624)
   ORDINANCE 14-02. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the McCall impact area title 3 chapter 9 signs and in particular sections 3.9.02 by changing the definitions for political signs and signs, and adding a new definition for wayfinding sign; 3.9.03(A)(C)(D)(E) sign standards for all zones to provide for certain signs in mixed use developments and apartments, wayfinding signs, changeable signs, regulation of location and size of signs in all zones; in 3.9.04 regulating the size of window signs; in 3.9.05(B) to delete separate regulations for institution signs, and to better define prohibited vehicle signs, and limiting the number of flags other than United States, state or other nations and eliminating menu boards as a separate regulated sign type; in 3.9.06(A)(1) amending the provisions for nonconforming signs; in 3.9.07(F)(K) amending the exceptions from prohibited signs; in 3.9.08(B) providing for halo lighted signs; in 3.9.081(F) to regulate neon signs; in 3.9.09(A)(3)(4) to clarify what additional permits are required besides sign permits; and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 6-23-2014, instrument #385540)
   ORDINANCE 14-03. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the impact area title 3 chapter 4 section 3.4.02 table permitted and conditionally permitted uses within commercial zones to allow office uses on ground floors of buildings and reducing the number of uses that first require a conditional use permit; amending section 3.4.061 special parking standards in central business district adding a new subsection (D) to exempt certain properties from having to provide off street parking; and title 3 chapter 8 section 3.8.061(A)(1) surfacing to provide driveways must have improved surfaces and section 3.8.16(B) sidewalk, curb and gutter and/or pathways to provide for the waiver of certain improvements under limited circumstances; and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 6-23-2014, instrument #385539)
   ORDINANCE 15-01. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the McCall impact area title 3 chapter 2 and chapter 3; amending section 3.2.02 meanings of terms or words to include a definition of short term rental and clarifying dwelling, rooming house and hotel or motel; amending section 3.3.02 table residential use regulations to require a conditional use permit for short term rentals with occupancy of twenty or more persons; and providing an effective date of January 1, 2016. (Approved by BOCC 2-9-2015, instrument #389797)
   ORDINANCE 15-02. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the McCall impact area title 3 chapters 3 and 16; amending section 3.3.02 table residential use regulations to remove the requirement that accessory and two-family dwellings obtain a conditional use permit and permitting accessory and two-family dwellings in all residential zones; amending section 3.16.02 to require design review approval for residential projects of two (2) or more units; and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 3-16-2015, instrument #390400)
   ORDINANCE 16-01. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the McCall impact area title 3 chapter 8; amending section 3.8.20 special standards for garages to reduce the street frontage width required for exemption from this section; and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 2-22-2016, instrument #396743)
   ORDINANCE 16-02. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the McCall impact area title 3 chapter 14; amending section 3.14.03 applicability to clarify circumstances upon which existing lighting shall be brought into conformance, and amending section 3.14.051 type of luminaires to remove exemptions for certain luminaire types from the outdoor lighting requirements; and providing an effective date. (Approved by BOCC 3-7-2016, instrument #396965)
   (Ord. 16-03, 3-21-2016)
   ORDINANCE 17-01. An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho amending McCall city code for the McCall impact area title 3 chapter 2; amending section 3.2.02 meanings of terms or words "restaurant, formula", providing for related matters; and providing an effective date.
   (Ord. 17-01, 12-12-2016)
   ORDINANCE19-01: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, amending the following chapters of title 3, planning and zoning, of the McCall impact area code for the McCall impact area in the following particulars, to-wit: in chapter 5, industrial and business park zones and standards, section 3.5.01, purpose, to remove the allowance for residential use in an industrial and business park zone; section 3.5.02, industrial zone use regulations, under table 3.5.02, to add ‘craft beverage production with or without tasting room' as a permitted use, to change the use of ‘dwelling unit' from C to A, and to remove the requirement that residential uses are only permitted on upper floors; section 3.5.03, industrial zone general development standards, under table 3.5.03, to change the size requirements for street, frontage, abutting residential property, maximum coverage (percent) of structures, maximum height and maximum building footprint, and removing the limitation of coverage for lots larger than 50,000 square feet; section 3.5.04, specific standards for industrial development in any zone, in subsection (A), to reduce the distance between detached buildings from 14' to 10', in subsection (C), to require design review for industrial development with a building footprint area of at least 10,000 square feet or a maximum building height exceeding 35 feet or a reduction in the minimum setback distance; adding subsection (D), surfacing; in chapter 8, general development standards, in subsection (D)2, removing industrial use from the parking space requirements, AJ/1D in subsection (D)5, requiring the approval of the public works director for pavement edges closer than 5' from the right of way of a public street; in section 3.8.061, parking area development standards, adding subsection (A)2 standards for parking lots, loading areas, and driveways for industrial uses; and in chapter 16, design review, section 3.16.02, applicability, requiring design review approval for development within the city and the area of city impact for commercial, business park, public or semipublic development, all development within DV, AF or AP zones, industrial development with a building footprint area of at least 10,000 square feet or a maximum building height exceeding 35 feet or a reduction in the minimum setback distance, for accessory dwelling units, multi-family residential projects of 2 or more units, or single-family dwelling units having a total area greater than 3,500 square feet. (April 22, 2019)
   ORDINANCE 19-04: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho repealing & reenacting Valley County ordinances which incorporate chapter 8, flood control regulations (overlay), of title 9, subdivision and development, of the McCall city code to update the floodplain management regulations for the City of McCall area of impact by enacting sections 9.08.02, definitions, 9.08.03, general provisions, 9.08.04, administration, 9-08-05, provisions for flood hazard reduction, and 9-08-06, legal status provisions, and providing an effective date. (January 7, 2019)
   ORDINANCE 19-07: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho repealing chapter 11, nonconforming buildings, structures and uses, of title 3, planning and zoning, of the McCall impact area code, & reenacting chapter 11, nonconforming use, structure or development, of title 3, planning and zoning, of the McCall impact area code, for the purpose of streamlining the process, facilitating administration, clarifying the chapter so as to eliminate the administrative determination, allowing additions under 25% to existing nonconforming structures within the shoreline zone, promoting and allowing for energy efficiency improvements, allowing for exceptions to the 10% repairs and maintenance provisions for historically significant buildings, and allowing for approval of style changes when restoring to a safe condition any nonconforming structure or part thereof declared to be unsafe by the building inspector. (June 24, 2009)
   ORDINANCE 20-02: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, amending, enacting, or deleting the following sections of title 3, planning and zoning, of the McCall impact area code, to-wit: section 3.2.02, meanings of terms or words, to modify the definitions for accessory use, building, or structure, dwelling unit, accessory, and dwelling, multi-family, to add definitions for bedroom, dwelling unit, local housing, dwelling unit, seasonal, owner occupancy, McCall area and short-term rental, and to delete definitions for community housing unit, duplex, and dwelling, two family; section 3.3.02, residential use regulations, to modify the allowed use for accessory structure4, <1,500 square feet, to add allowed uses for dwelling unit, local housing and dwelling short term rental, occupancy less than 20 persons, and to delete the allowed uses for accessory structure > 1,500 square feet and dwelling, two family, and add footnote 4, a reference to section 3.8.11; section 3.4.02, commercial use regulations, to change the title of the section to permitted and conditionally permitted uses within commercial zones, to add the allowed uses for dwelling unit, local housing and dwelling unit, seasonal housing, and to delete item 2 under notes and renumber the remaining items under notes accordingly; section 3.4.04, commercial zone special development standards, subparagraph (D), uses, to modify subparagraph (D), uses, to allow single family, multi-family, and local housing as part of a mixed-use development, including commercial and/or public uses and to provide the conditions therefor by modifying item 1 for multi-story structures, by modifying item 2 for developments with commercial and/or public use, by deleting item 3, and by modifying item 4 to renumber IT item 3 and including a requirement for equivalent square footage in a CC zone; section 3.6.02, public zone use regulations, to change the title of the section to permitted and conditionally permitted uses within public zones, to add the allowed use for dwelling, local housing; section 3.7.032, requirements for development, subparagraph (C), structure height; section 3.8.11, accessory use, buildings and structures, to delete subparagraph (A), to modify subparagraph (B) by relettering IT subparagraph (A) to substitute approval by an administrator in place of a commission, to delete subparagraph (C), and to add a new subparagraph to be lettered (B), to limit the size of an accessory structure; enacting section, entitled accessory dwelling units, permitting accessory dwelling units and establishing the number, location, density, basic requirements for habitation, health and safety code requirements, size, parking, request for waivers of monthly water services fees, and rental requirements; enacting section 3.8.21, entitled local housing density bonus program, setting forth the purpose, applicability, general provisions, and calculation of the density bonus; enacting section 3.8.22, entitled seasonal dwelling units, permitting seasonal dwelling units for use by employees of businesses or institutions within the McCall area and establishing the conditions therefor; section 3.10.01, purpose, to add a subparagraph (E) promoting local housing and a variety of housing types in quality development; section 3.10.024, density bonus, to modify subparagraph (C) to delete the maximum increase in density and substitute compliance with sections 3.08.21; deleting section 3.13.036, rental of accessory dwelling units, in its entirety; enacting new section 3.13.036, entitled additional conditional use permit standards for dwelling, short-term rental with occupancy of 20 or more guests, setting forth the standards for compliance, use, neighborhood impact and application requirements; enacting section 3.13.09, permit standards for dwelling, short-term rentals, providing for the permitting of dwelling and short-term rentals; section 3.15.02, preliminary development plan review, subparagraph (B), neighborhood meetings, to modify subparagraph (B), neighborhood meetings, to provide for the submission of an application instead of a plan and to establish timing, notification, and summary of the meeting requirements; and section 9.4.06, permits and inspection, to modify subparagraph (B), temporary use permits, by deleting paragraph 1, fees, restrictions, and renumbering paragraph 2, emergency permits, as paragraph 1. (December 16, 2019)
   ORDINANCE 20-03: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, amending title 3, planning and zoning, of the McCall impact area code, to-wit: in chapter 6, civic, airport and agricultural/forest zones, changing the title of the chapter to public zones; in section 3.6.01, purpose, clarifying subsection (C), airport (AP) zone to more clearly state the objectives of the adopted airport master plan; in section 3.6.02, public zones use regulations, re-ordering and clarifying subsections (A) - (C) regarding permitted and conditionally permitted uses and making substantive changes to table 3.6.02 as follows: adding aeronautical as a new use identified to be permitted in the AP zone; eliminating dwelling, care-taker for an approved use as an allowed use through a conditional use permit in the AP zone; adding dwelling unit, local housing as a permitted use in the CV zone; permitting park, public as a use in the AP zone; section 3.6.03, public zones general development standards, removing the word "general" from the section title, re-ordering, clarifying and eliminating extraneous information, adding new sections (B) through (H) which reference special site design and fencing requirements of the FAA and making substantive changes to table 3.6.03 as follows: adding the APP zone and different requirements from the AP zone, identifying minimum property size as not applicable in the AP and APP zones, adding minimum lease size as a new standards for the AP and APP zones, deleting minimum street frontage from AP and adding minimum street frontage for APP at 75', deleting minimum setbacks for AP and APP, changing maximum site coverage for the AP at 100%, adding standard of 10' to distance between structures for AP and APP zones, adding landscape buffer as 20' in APP zone, and relocating note 4 to the new section (C); deleting sections 3.6.031, approvals, 3.6.04, airport zoning, 3.6.041, purpose, 3.6.042, short title, 3.6.043, definitions, 3.6.044, airport zones, 3.6.045, airport zone height limitations, 3.6.046, use restrictions, 3.6.047, airport nonconforming uses, 3.6.048, permits, 3.6.049, enforcement, 3.6.0410, appeals, decisions of commission, 3.6.0411, conflicting regulations, 3.6.0412, appeals, decisions of airport manager, 3.6.0413, judicial review: in chapter 7, special districts, enacting section 3.7.05, McCall municipal airport influence overlay zones, 3.7.050, purpose, and 3.7.051, airport operation protection zones, to create a new special district, defining its purpose and distinguishing it from other zones: and in chapter 2, definitions, adding definitions for "aeronautical," "airport elevation," "approach surface," "conical surface," "fair disclosure statement," "hazard to air navigation," "height, airport," "horizontal surface," "obstruction," "person," "primary surface," "runway," "transitional surfaces," "utility runway," and redefining "airport" to mean the McCall municipal airport; providing an effective date. (December 16, 2019)
   ORDINANCE 20-07: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho repealing Title 2 Chapter 4 Historic Preservation and enacting new Title 3 Chapter 20 Historic Preservation, and relocating definitions previously contained in Title 2 Chapter 4 to existing Title 3 Chapter 2 Section 02, with minor revisions throughout for clarification, and for the purpose of clarifying applicability throughout the area of McCall, amending the historic preservation commission duties, adding a new section regulating demolition or removal of historic structures, adding exemptions, designating applicable uniform codes, correcting references in Title 3, Chapter 11, Section 07, directing the City Clerk, and providing an effective date. (May 11, 2020)
   ORDINANCE 20-08: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, amending Title 2 Chapter 1 clarifying applicability throughout the McCall Area, clarifying the applicability and exemptions to buildings and construction, defining agricultural structures, building official, and structure, simplifying adopted codes, additions to snow requirements, electrical wiring requirements, and liquefied petroleum gas (lpg) system requirements, establishing maintenance standards; amending Title 2 Chapter 2 related duties of the Building Official and coordination with other permits, removing expiration of sewer service and water connection permits, setting regulations for drainage, flood control, utilities and street improvements, establishing when a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, addressing permits issued by the review and approval process contained in McCall City Code Title 3 (and approved by Valley County), providing purpose, responsibility, contents and procedures of the planning report; amending Title 2 Chapter 3 administration, designating building official, establishing progress inspections, including Valley County limitations of responsibility, establishing member terms and duties, directing the City Clerk, and providing an effective date. (May 14, 2020)
   ORDINANCE 2020-09: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho enacting Chapter 19, Wireless Communication Facilities, to Title 3, Planning And Zoning, of the McCall City Code (and Valley County), to provide for the placement, design and operation of wireless communication facilities consistent with the McCall area comprehensive plan, promoting the sharing of facilities, the efficient use of land, and assuring compatibility with adjacent and nearby land use. Amending, enacting, or deleting the following sections of Title 3, Planning And Zoning, of the McCall City Code as adopted by Valley County, to-wit: Section 3.2.02, Meanings Of Terms Or Words, to add definitions for antenna, private; antenna, public antenna;, wireless collocation; decorative pole; public right of way; wireless telecommunication facility, major; wireless communication facility, small scale; and Sections 3.3.02, 3.4.02, 3.5.02, 3.5.05, 3.6.02 Use Regulations For Residential, Commercial, Industrial And Business Park And Public Uses, to amend the category of tower or antenna structure, private to antenna, private; to delete tower or antenna structure, commercial; and to add antenna, public; small scale wireless communication facility; and major wireless communication facility. (May 14, 2020)
   ORDINANCE 2021-11: An ordinance of Valley County, Idaho, amending Section 3.7.032, requirements for development, (I), Landscaping, of the McCall City Code to amend the number of native shrubs from five to three each ten feet of linear street frontage along the scenic route, their location and arrangement, and to provide that the Administrator shall recommend resolution of conflicts in the use of snow storage or utility easements. (September 13, 2021)