Section 9-3161   High density development standards.
   The Town Council may approve high-density development proposals consistent with the following standards:
   (a)   WS-IV-Critical Areas. Where new development requires a sedimentation/erosion control plan and exceeds either two (2) dwelling units per acre or twenty- four percent (24%) built-upon area, engineered stormwater controls shall be used to control runoff from the first inch of rainfall, and development shall not exceed 50% built-upon area.
   (b)   WS-IV-Protected Areas. Where new development requires a sedimentation/erosion control plan and exceeds either two (2) dwelling units per acre, or twenty-four percent (24%) built-upon area (or three (3) dwelling units per acre or thirty-six percent (36%) built-upon area for projects without curb and gutter
street system), engineered stormwater controls shall be used to control runoff from the first inch of rainfall and development shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) built-upon area. (Ord. of 1/10/05; Ord. of 12/6/10; Ord. of 6/28/21)