Section 9-3137   Conflicts of interest.
   (a)   Members of the Board of Adjustment shall not vote on any appeal or variance where the outcome of the matter being considered is reasonably likely to have a direct, substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact on the member. An appointed Board member shall not vote on any appeal or variance if the landowner of the property or the applicant is a person with whom the member has a close familial, business, or other associational relationship.
   (b)   Quasi-judicial decisions. A member of the Board of Adjustment exercising quasi-judicial functions according to this chapter shall not participate in or vote on any quasi-judicial matter in a manner that would violate affected persons' constitutional rights to an impartial decision-maker. Impermissible violations of the due process include, but are not limited to, a member having a fixed opinion before hearing the matter that is not susceptible to change, undisclosed ex parte communications, a close familial, business, or other associational relationship with an affected person, or financial interest in the outcome of the matter.
   (c)   Resolution of objection. If an objection is raised to a board member's participation at or before the hearing or vote on a particular matter and that member does not recuse himself or herself, the remaining members of the board shall by majority vote rule on the objection. (Ord. of 6/28/21)