(a)   Attendance. Reporting to work on time, regular attendance during all scheduled hours of work, and continuing to work to the end of the work period are required of every employee. Employees who frequently are late to work shall have their pay reduced proportionately. A written warning for repeated tardiness will be given an employee prior to any pay reduction.
   (b)   Absence.
      (1)   Absence for any reason must be reported to the department head at least thirty minutes prior to the scheduled starting time.
      (2)   Three consecutive days absence without reporting shall be considered willful resignation.
      (3)   The Village maintains the right to investigate any employee’s absence.
   (c)   Safety and Accidents.
      (1)   Different departments have varying safety rules relating to the type of function performed within the department. The employee’s immediate department head will acquaint the employee with the safety rules applicable to the job and department.
      (2)   All employees working for the Village are covered by Worker’s Compensation. Employees must file an immediate written report with the department head for all injuries sustained while on the job.
   (d)   Expense Reimbursement. Expenses incurred by employees in carrying out authorized Village business shall be reimbursed. However, approval for such expenses must be obtained in writing from the department head or Fiscal Officer prior to incurring such expenses. Reimbursement for mileage in the use of an employee’s personal motor vehicle shall be at the rate promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service for Federal income tax purposes.
   (e)   Clothing Allowance. Those employees whose duties necessitate the use of special protective clothing or uniforms or whose duties would cause damage to personal clothing shall be entitled to a clothing allowance in the amount to be established by Council.
   (f)   Alcohol, Drugs and Gambling.
      (1)   Alcoholic beverages of any kind are not to be consumed by employees during the course of any work day, including break or meal period. In addition, no employee shall keep alcoholic beverages on Village property or report to work with the odor of alcohol on his or her presence. Detection of alcohol or the effects of alcohol on employees is a serious breach of policy which can lead to discharge.
      (2)   Suspicion of selling or bringing drugs on Village premises will be directed to the Mayor. Findings will determine further action. Drug abuse can result in dismissal.
      (3)   Unauthorized gambling, lotteries or games of chance operated by individuals on Village property violate policy and can lead to discharge.