The fees for licenses as required by Section 705.05 shall be as follows:
   (a)    For each separate billboard advertisement or other sign of a permanent or semipermanent nature, a license fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each calendar year or portion of a calendar year during which the advertisement or sign is displayed.
         (b)    For each separate set of signs, circulars, posters, advertisements or cards not of a permanent or semipermanent nature and not passed by hand, a license fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per week for each calendar week or portion of a calendar week during which the same or any portion thereof is displayed.
         (c)    For the distribution, by hand, of each separate set of bills, pamphlets, circulars or advertising matter, a license fee of three dollars ($3.00) per day for each and every day during which the same are passed or distributed within the City.
(1984 Code Sec. 110.09)