(a)    As used in this chapter, "Public Nuisance" means any of the following activities,
circumstances or conditions:
      (1)    Open storage of building materials in a residential district in excess of one (1) year; and
      (2)    Any accumulation upon any lot of land of earth, rubbish, or other material which attracts rats, vermin, or insects in such a manner that it endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property; and
      (3)    The suffering, permitting, allowing to remain or maintaining of rubbish, refuse or junk, which includes but is not limited to wire, chips, shavings, bottles, broken glass, crockery, tin, cast or wooden ware, boxes, rags, weeds, paper, circulars, handbills, boots, shoes or ashes, or discarded or abandoned iceboxes, refrigerators, washing machines or other airtight or semi airtight containers or any other waste material upon public or private property contrary to these Codified Ordinances or regulations of the Board of Health; and
      (4)   The maintenance or allowance of building materials upon public or private property constitutes a public nuisance if such building materials, which include all residue from building construction and new building materials, are not removed or utilized in construction within thirty (30) days after such materials are placed upon a premise. However, if construction is initiated upon such premises and such building materials are to be used in the construction, then such building materials shall be allowed to remain upon such premises for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) days after the completion of the construction. For the purpose of the prevention of rodents and other unsanitary conditions, any storage of building materials or deposit of the same upon any property shall consist of building materials being placed at least six (6) inches off the ground at any time; and
      (5)    There is located upon any lot of land or in any building or structure located thereon rubbish, or other material in such an amount that it constitutes a fire hazard; and
      (6)    The storage of any unlicensed or out-of-repair vehicle, automotive parts, or scrap metal upon public or private property.
      (7)    The continued vacancy of a structure or building resulting in lack of reasonable or adequate maintenance of the building or structure and grounds.
      (8)    A vacant building or structure which is open and not secured against unauthorized entry; and
      (9)    A building or structure, or any portion, member, appurtenance or ornamentation thereof, which is likely to fail or become detached, dislodged or to collapse and thereby injure persons or damage property.
      (10)    Weeds which are spreading or maturing seeds, or about to do so, ragweed, goldenrod, poison ivy, poison oak or any other noxious or poisonous weeds or vines; or
      (11)    Grass in excess of ten (10) inches; or
      (12)    Roots of trees which obstruct any portion of a sewer located on City property or within City easements; or
      (13)   Shrubs or bushes located within twenty feet of the intersection of two (2) or more streets and abutting either the sidewalk or the normal sidewalk location if the shrubs or bushes exceed two (2) feet in height above the surface of either the sidewalk or the normal sidewalk location; or
      (14)    A tree, plant, bush or shrub the branches or trunk of which obstruct or impede traffic on any street or public place. Branches overhanging within nine (9) feet of the surface of any sidewalk or within thirteen and one-half (13 ½) feet of the surface of any street shall be deemed prima facie to obstruct or impede traffic thereon; or
      (15)    A tree or branch of any tree which is in danger of falling due to decay or rot or any other reason, or any tree which contains any disease or insects which can spread to other trees; or
      (16)    Any other condition, existing or which has been declared a Nuisance by the Ohio Revised Code.
   (b)    "Owner" means any of the following:
      (1)    Any person, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or any shareholder, officer, trustee, partner, agent or employee of any of the above who has care, custody, control or charge of a premises or part thereof, has logical title to the premises, or has done any act to maintain or operate the premises.
         A.   "Maintaining or operating the premises" shall include without limitation, entering into a public utility contract, obtaining a building or demolition permit or obtaining any other permit or license relating to the premises.
      (2)    The vendor or vendee under a land installment contract who has care, custody, control or the right to enter on the premises or real property.
      (3)   "Premises" means a lot, plot or parcel of land, including the building or structures thereon.
   (c)    "Unlicensed or out-of-repair vehicle" means:
      (1)    Any motor vehicle which meets the requirements of Ohio R.C. 4513.63(B) through (E) that is left uncovered and in the open on private property for more than seventy-two (72) hours with the permission of the person having the right to possession of the property; or
      (2)    Any motor vehicle required to display license plates and not having the current year license plates affixed thereto, or having illegal plates, and left for a period of more than ten (10) days, unless completely enclosed in a building or garage; or
      (3)    Any motor vehicle which is so damaged or out-of-repair as to render it incapable of being moved under its own power; and left for a period of more than ten (10) days, unless completely enclosed in a building or garage; or
      (4)    Any other vehicle or contrivance meant to be propelled by power other than human power; designed to travel along the ground by use of wheels, treads, runners or slides; intended to transport persons or property or pull machinery, including, but not limited to, trailers, tractors and campers; and that is incapable of being moved if propelled by the appropriate mode of power or used for its intended purpose due to extensive damage, including, but not limited to, missing wheels, tires, treads, runners or slides; and which has been left for a period of more than ten (10) days, unless completely enclosed in a building or garage.
   (d)    "Refuse" embraces only such matter as was either in fact noxious or has been refused and abandoned by its owner as worthless.
   (e)    "Automobile parts" means and includes any portion or parts of any motor driven vehicle as detached from the vehicle as a whole. ·
   (f)    "Scrap metal" means and includes pieces of or parts of steel, iron, tin, zinc, copper,
aluminum or any alloy thereof, whether covered with porcelain or any other material, whether intact or in parts, which has served its usefulness in its original form and can no longer be used or useful in its originally intended purpose.
(Ord. 4585-23. Passed 1-3-23.)