1161.34 LOTS.
   The following Regulations shall govern the design and layout of lots:
   (a)   The lot arrangement and design shall be such that all lots will provide satisfactory building sites, properly related topography, and the character of surrounding development.
   (b)   All lots shall conform to or exceed the requirements for the zoning district in which they are located and the use for which they are intended.
   (c)   All lots shall abut by their full frontage on a publicly dedicated street or a street that has received the legal status of such. Irregular shaped lots and/or cul-de-sac lots may abut by their full frontage at the building setback line. The minimum lot size, widths, and setbacks, shall be as specified in the Zoning Regulations.
   (d)   All side lot lines shall be as close to right angles as possible to the street line and radial to curved street lines, except where the Planning Commission determines that a variation to this rule would provide a better layout.
   (e)   Lots with double frontage shall be avoided except where the Planning Commission determines it is essential to provide separation of residential development from arterial streets.
   (f)   All corner lots shall have front yard setbacks on both streets and lots shall be of an area sufficient to permit adequate building sites.
   (g)   No lot shall have an average depth which is more than three (3) times its average width, nor shall it have a depth of less than 110 feet or as stated in the Zoning Regulations except that, whenever a lot fronts upon an exterior curved portion of a street, lot depth may be reduced to not less than 100 feet.
   (h)   In the case of vacation of lots, or parts of lots, in the City previously recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Champaign County, Ohio, the same procedure, rules and regulations shall apply as for a new plat, except that a preliminary plat may not be required. The title of the vacation plat shall indicate what is being vacated, and the final plat shall include enough of the surrounding plat or plats to show its relations to adjoining areas.
   (i)   Whenever a subdivider or developer proposes a re-subdivision of a plat previously recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Champaign County, Ohio he shall follow the same procedures as for a new plat, except that a preliminary plat may not be required if changes in street alignment or similar changes are not included in the proposal. The lots in the re-subdivision shall conform as to size and arrangement with the requirements of these Regulations and the appropriate requirements of the Zoning Regulations of the City.
   (j)   When a preliminary plat is submitted, all lots shall have the front building setback lines clearly marked on them.
      (Ord. 4206. Passed 1-24-06.)