(a) Purpose. The purpose of the B-2, Multi-Use Office Park Planned Unit Development is to accommodate new development and/or encourage the redevelopment of or the re-use of an existing set of structures on a site that has been vacated by the previous tenant and/or owner. The multi-use office park has a controlled environment; it is not merely a free-standing office building, but a cluster of structures having characteristics of the planned unit development. In some respects the multi-use office park may be similar to the shopping center and the industrial park. Like the shopping center, the multi-use office park calls for unified control continuing management and services to tenants, on-site parking for tenant-employees and for tenant-callers. Like the industrial park, other features include on-site traffic circulation, extensive landscaping, sign control and other covenants. Depending on its size and level of employment, the multi-use office park may include corollary uses such as a retail store, bank, restaurant, conference center and residential uses. Flexibility is a factor in multi-use office park design. The grouping and use of buildings may be designed to meet special requirements for a single tenant or to provide for multiple tenants.
(b) Permitted Uses. Permitted Uses and Special Uses in the BR-1, B-2, and R-2 Districts, except: correctional institutions, criminal rehabilitation centers, farms, fraternities, sororities, gas company plants and facilities, industrial centers, rooming houses, sanitary landfill and zoos. The application or preliminary development plan for multi-use office park shall specify the proposed use or uses and the location thereof during the Planned Unit Development review and approval process, consideration of a proposed use or development proposal which would otherwise be authorized by a special use permit or after site plan review shall replace and be a substitute for the special use permit review process or site plan review process.
(c) Minimum Land Area Requirement for a Multi-Use Office Park Planned Unit Development. Five (5) acres. Smaller parcels may be considered on the basis of their potential to satisfy the objectives of this chapter as stated in Section 1141.01
(d) Minimum Use Requirement. No multi-use office park shall contain less than three (3) principal uses.
(e) Maximum Floor Area Requirement. Forty percent (40%) of the gross land area in the planned unit development.
(f) Minimum Landscaped Open Space Requirement. Fifteen percent (15%) of the gross land area in the planned unit development. Open recreational spaces are encouraged for walking/bike paths, outdoor common seating, picnic areas, etc. to increase quality of life among employees and visitors. Interconnectivity with existing multi-use paths is also encouraged for alternate transportation to and from the planned unit development site.
(g) Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirement. Parking provisions for existing buildings in multi-use office parks have no standards. Each multi-use office park is unique in its environment and characteristics and it is not accurate to utilize generalized planning factors for these traffic and parking generators. All uses within multi-use office parks are traffic generators, however, they must accommodate the needs of those who use vehicles to visit them. The multi-use office park must accommodate needs of a variety of parker types; parking space needs must be considered in relation to use characteristics, building layout and site constraints. Parking demand will vary with the size of the multi-use office park and its activities. Parking facilities should be large enough to accommodate worker shift changes, if any, which is the peak time for parking. Because of differing uses located in a multi-use office park, planning ratios of total employee or gross floor area are unreliable for estimating parking needs. In order to evaluate parking space needs, number of employees and building use should be accounted for on a site specific basis. A definitive parking space needs estimate for each use in a multi-use office park can be derived using four variables:
(1) Typical daily tenant-employee population;
(2) Typical daily tenant-caller population;
(3) Percent of tenant-employees being auto drivers; and
(4) Percent of tenant-callers being auto drivers.
(h) Based on the above guidelines, the final development plan for the multi-use office park shall reflect parking adequate to handle proposed uses:
(1) Any new construction that takes place within a B-2 Multi-Use Office Park Planned Unit Development shall meet all applicable regulations and standards contained in other sections of this chapter of the Municipal Code.
(2) The City Council may waive any portion of the standards, requirements or procedures for this section of the Code, provided that such waivers are not contrary to the spirit, purpose and intent of this Code and in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws.
(Ord. 4243. Passed 6-12-07.)