(a)   Intent. It is the intent of these requirements to provide additional specific regulations for Planned Unit Developments located in commercial or business districts.
   (b)   Permitted Uses. Uses authorized in the underlying zoning district (BR1, B2, B3) by special use permit or site plan review.
   (c)   Minimum Land Area Requirement for a Commercial Planned Unit Development. One (1) acre.
   (d)   Minimum Use Requirement. No Commercial Planned Unit Development shall contain less than three (3) commercial uses.
   (e)   Maximum Floor Area Requirement. Forty percent (40%) of the gross land area in the Planned Unit Development.
   (f)   Minimum Landscaped Open Space Requirement. Fifteen percent (15%) of the gross land area in the Planned Unit Development. Open recreational spaces are encouraged for walking/bike paths, outdoor common seating, picnic areas, etc. to increase quality of life among employees and visitors. Interconnectivity with existing multi-use paths is also encouraged for alternate transportation to and from the planned unit development site.
   (g)   Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirement. Four and one-half (4.5) parking spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area.
(Ord. 4243. Passed 6-12-07.)