The Director of Law shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Council, and shall be admitted to practice law in the State of Ohio. Removal of the Director of Law must also be confirmed by Council.
   The Director of Law shall serve as legal counsel to the executive and legislative branches of the City. The duties of the Director of Law shall include those assigned by the general law of the State of Ohio to directors of law of statutory plan cities, except that he shall not serve as counsel to the Urbana City Board of Education. The Director shall have only such prosecutorial duties as the general laws of Ohio require. The Mayor may designate an individual who, during the absence or disability of, or during a vacancy in, the office of Director of Law shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties and functions of the Director of Law under the title of Acting Director of Law.
(Amended 11-5-2000; 11-8-2016; 11-3-2020)