(a)   A front footage fee shall be charged for the East State Route 29 Sewer District as outlined in Exhibits A and B of the documents pertaining to said district.
      (1)   The final cost of the front footage fee shall be based upon final as built costs of the sewer improvements within said district plus an administrative fee of five percent (5%).
      (2)   The final cost of the sewer improvements and related front footage fee shall be on file in the office of the Clerk of City Council as well as the Utility Billing Office.
      (3)   The front footage fee shall be paid at the time that connection is made to said sewer improvements.
      (4)   Connection to the sewer system shall not be made without connection to the water system.
      (5)   Front footage fee payments shall be placed in the proper fund to pay for the debt of said sewer improvement.
   (b)   Annexation to the City of Urbana shall be required at the time of connection to the sewer improvements created by the East State Route 29 Sewer District.
      (1)   If annexation is not possible under the current laws of the Ohio Revised Code at the time of connection, then connection shall be made on the condition that the owner of the property to be served shall, within sixty days of the time said property becomes contiguous to the City of Urbana, prepare and file or join in the preparation and filing of annexation petition pursuant to Ohio R.C. 709.02 for such property to be annexed to the City of Urbana.
      (2)   If annexation is not possible at the time of connection and payment of fees, then monthly usage charges shall be assessed at 200% (double) until annexation to the City of Urbana is completed.
         (Ord. 4337. Passed 7-27-10.)