(a)   All unpolluted drainage shall be discharged into such sewers as are specifically designed and designated as storm sewers.
   (b)   Storm water, unpolluted cooling water, groundwater, rain water, street drainage, subsurface drainage, subfoundation building drainage or yard drainage shall not be discharged through direct or indirect connections to a sanitary sewer. The Water/Wastewater Superintendent may approve the discharge of such water only when no reasonable alternative method of disposal is available.
   (c)   No person or entity shall knowingly remove or cause to be removed, any material or liquids from any sanitary or storm sewer systems, including any and all contributing sources, whether they be public or private, of the City of Urbana without the written consent of the Water/Wastewater Superintendent.
   (d)   If permission is granted for the discharge of such water into a sanitary sewer, the user shall pay the applicable user charges and fees and meet such other conditions as required by the Water/Wastewater Superintendent.
   (e)   Any such connections made with before or after the effective date of this section shall be considered illegal and shall be subject to immediate removal by the owner of the premise so connected and at such owner’s expense.
   (f)   Subfoundation building drains connected to sanitary sewers before the effective date of this section may be required to be removed if it is established by the Director of Administration that such connection is detrimental to the satisfactory operation of the sewage works and that such removal is cost effective. Any such connections made after the effective date shall be prohibited and shall be considered illegal.
   (g)   Should the owner of such an illegal connected premises fail to remove the connection within ninety days, the Director of Administration shall cause the connection to be removed and the cost thereof shall be billed to the owner of the premise.
   (h)   No person constructing a sanitary sewer, building or house connections, shall leave same open, unsealed or incomplete in such fashion as to permit storm surface or subsurface water to enter the sanitary sewer system. (Ord. 4306. Passed 7-28-09.)