(a)    At their own expense, a person owning or occupying real property bordering on a street or right of way upon which property there are trees, shall prune, trim, remove or cause to be pruned, trimmed or removed, any tree, tree branches, limbs, bushes, shrubs or other type of vegetation, whether living or dead, in front of, or on their respective lots or parcels of land, so as to permit an unobstructed view of traffic or traffic signs, street or alley intersections, and an unobstructed passage for vehicular or pedestrian traffic on all streets, sidewalks, alleys and public grounds, as determined by the City Engineer's Office and Shade Tree Commission.
   The minimum free overhead clearance of an overhanging portion of a tree shall be nine (9) feet over sidewalks and thirteen and one-half (13-1/2) feet over all streets.
   (b)    No person shall maintain or permit to remain on his property a tree whose roots obstruct or impede the flow of liquid through any public sewer, drain, or water main in the City.
The Director shall refer the owners or agents of any land or parcel of land who fail to comply with the requirements of subsection (a) and (b) hereof to the City's Zoning Officer, and the noncompliance shall be addressed in accordance with Chapter 1339 - Nuisances, of the City
of Urbana's Codified Ordinances. (Ord. 4159-20. Passed 1-21-20.)