As used in this chapter:
   (a)   “Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, or organization of any kind.
   (b)   “Street” or “highway” means the entire width of every public right of way when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, including alleys, as a matter of rights, for purposes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
   (c)   "Park" includes all public parks having individual names and under the ownership and control of the City of Urbana.
   (d)    "Public places" includes all grounds owned by the City of Urbana.
   (e)    "Property line" generally refers to the outer edge of a street or highway, and may appear as a discontinuation in the terrain: a ditch, a bank, a hedge, a wall, or similar. Legal boundaries are established by a professional surveyor who shall provide a legal description of a property as required.
   (f)    "Tree lawn" is that part of a street or highway not covered by a sidewalk or other paving, lying between the property line and that portion of the street or highway usually used for vehicular traffic, often this area is part of the right-of-way.
   (g)    "Property owner” means the person owning such property as shown by records in the County's Auditor or Recorder Office.
   (h)    "Director" means the Director of Administration or his or her authorized designee.
   (i)    "Right-of-Way" means any portion of the street, highway, alley, tree lawn, or sidewalk reserved for the purposes of public maintenance or expansion of existing service. Typically, the city does not own the fee title to the property underlying the public right-of-way; the abutting property owners have that fee title and that title usually extends to the centerline of the right-of-way.
   (j)    "Street tree" refers to any tree listed on the City's street tree inventory.
   (k)    "Overhead utility line" refers to wires or cables typically used to transport electricity or telecommunications overhead between poles.
   (l)   "Underground utility line" refers to wire, cable, piping/conduit, valves, or meter pits, used to transfer electricity, telecommunications, natural gas, water, sanitary sewage, storm water, or other productive service to customers below ground.
   (m)    "OUPS" refers to the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (Ohio 8-1-1), whose mission is to prevent damage to member facilities and promote public safety by providing an efficient and effective communication and education process where digging may conflict with underground utilities.
   (n)    "New tree" refers to a new balled and burlapped, container grown, or bare root tree with a minimum caliper of 1.0", branched.
   (o)    "Preferred tree list" refers to the list of trees approved by the Shade Tree Commission, which is reviewed and approved annually, and shall be used in accordance with this ordinance.
   (p)    "DBH" denotes a tree's Diameter at Breast Height.
   (q)    "Caliper” denotes the commercial sale standard for trees and refers to trunk diameter.
   (r)    "Aggregate diameter" refers to the commercial standard for measuring multi-trunk trees.
   (s)    "Large tree" refers to trees with an anticipated mature height in excess of 45 ft. or more.
   (t)    "Medium tree" refers to trees with an anticipated mature height of between 30-44 ft.
   (u)    "Line of sight" refers to a straight line which has an unobstructed view. Refer to City of Urbana Engineering Standard Section 1167.18 of the Codified Ordinances.
      (Ord. 4159-20. Passed 1-21-20.)