The City is hereby subdivided into the following districts:
    (a)    Residential districts, designated R-l and R-lA, are established for low density single-family residences. Only one dwelling permitted per lot.
   (b)    Residential districts, designated R-2, are established for medium to high density single-family residences. Only one dwelling permitted per lot.
   (c)    Residential districts, designated R-3, are established for high density single, double and multiple family residences, and very limited business uses compatible to same.
   (d)   Limited business districts, designated LB, are established as transitional areas between more heavily commercial or industrial areas and residential districts, and are intended to allow limited to moderate use of commercial business as well as single and multiple family residences.
   (e)    General business districts, designated GB, are established to include areas that are located along streets of considerable traffic within the core of the City which provide businesses and services appropriate for the everyday needs of the entire community.
   (f)   Highway business districts, designated HB, are established to include areas that provide for uses which are regional in nature and convenient to the highway user, and not to provide local shopping which would inhibit the function of the highway.
   (g)    Recreation business districts, designated RB, are intended for providing commercial recreation facilities to the entire community.
   (h)    Central business districts, designated CB, are established to provide an area for broad business services and retail activities in the central area of the City.
   (i)    Office Business Districts, designated OB, are established to provide an area conducive to the needs of intense office development.
   (j)    Public Facilities Districts, designated PF, are established to provide an area for governmental, civic, welfare, and public recreational facilities, while making such facilities compatible with adjoining residential uses.
   (k)    Manufacturing districts, designated LM, are established for limited nuisance manufacturing and other uses that are appropriate in a similar location.
   (l)    Manufacturing districts, designated GM, are established for high nuisance manufacturing and other uses of similar performance standards.
   (m)    Conservation districts, designated C, are established for conserving natural features and limited development until some future date to avoid flooding or similar disaster, or to provide for the preservation of valuable natural resources.
      (Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94.)