All of the following information and materials listed in this section are required as part of all minor subdivision submissions, other than lot line adjustments or submittals under § 154.108. This list of requirements shall serve as both a list of requirements, and as a checklist for the applicant and the township to ensure completion of submissions. The applicant shall submit completed photocopies of this section as part of the application.
Upper Milford Township Final Plan Checklist and List of Submittal Requirements
for Minor Subdivisions and Certain Land Developments
Applicant’s Name: __________________________________________________
Applicant’s Address: ________________________________________________
Applicant’s Daytime Phone No.: _______________________________________
Applicant’s Signature: ______________________   Date of Submittal: ____________
* Place a check in the applicable column, except: 1) insert “NA” in the “Not Submitted” column if not applicable, and 2) insert “W” in the “Not Submitted” column if a waiver is requested from the requirement
Not Submitted*
* Place a check in the applicable column, except: 1) insert “NA” in the “Not Submitted” column if not applicable, and 2) insert “W” in the “Not Submitted” column if a waiver is requested from the requirement
Not Submitted*
A. GENERAL SUBMISSION ITEMS: (the township staff may require the submission of additional numbers of copies)
   1. 3 copies of completed township application (see Appendix A)
   2. Required township review fee(s)
   3. Required township escrow funds (to fund reviews)
   4. 2 copies of the minor subdivision plan checklist (using the photocopies of the pages in this section)
   5. 6 print copies of the complete subdivision plans, with original signatures and seals of plan preparers on one “File Copy”
   6. 2 sets of supportive documents
   7. Notification that a copy of the plan was delivered by applicant to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
B. DRAFTING REQUIREMENTS: All information shall be legibly and accurately presented
   1. Plans prepared on a standard sized sheet (such as 18 in. x 24 in., 24 in. x 36 in., 30 in. x 42 in. or 36 in. x 48 in.). Sheets should be folded to approximately 9 in. x 12 in. size, in such a manner that the title of the sheet faces out.
   2. Plans drawn to scale of 1 inch = 50 feet or other scale pre-approved by the Township Engineer
   3. All dimensions set in feet and decimal parts thereof, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds
   4. Differentiation between existing and proposed features
   5. Boundary line of the parcel, shown as a heavy boundary line
   1. Name and location of project (such as the “Smith Subdivision No. 2”)
   2. Name of landowner and developer (with addresses)
   3. Names and addresses of abutting property owners, with abutting lot lines
   4. Notarized owners statement of intent (see Appendix B)
   5. Name, address, signature, and seal of the plan surveyor and plan preparer (see Appendix B)
   6. Approval/review signature blocks for the Township Board of Supervisors, Township Planning Commission and Lehigh Valley Planning Commission staff (see Appendix B)
   7. Location map at a standard scale (such as 1 in. = 2,000 ft.) showing the location of the project and watercourses, municipal borders and existing and proposed streets adjacent to the parcel
   8. North arrow, graphic scale, written scale
   9. Date of plan and all subsequent revision dates (especially noting if this is a revision of a previously approved plan)
   10. Deed Book volume and page number from county records
   11. Tax map number and block and lot number and property identification number for the parcel being subdivided
   1. Contour lines shall be:
      a. Based on a field survey or photogrammetric procedure at an interval of 2 feet (or other interval pre-approved by the Township Engineer) at a scale of 1 in. = 100 ft. or larger;
      b. Note: contours are not required to be shown within areas of lots of 10 acres or more that are clearly not intended to be altered as a result of this proposed subdivision, unless needed for stormwater management
   2. Identification of any slopes of 15 to 25%, and greater than 25%
   3. Areas within any hydric soils (see soil survey of Lehigh County), with a notation that there are none if that is the case
   4. Watercourses (with any name), natural springs, lakes and wetlands
   5. Areas of existing mature woods, with areas noted that are proposed to be preserved or removed
   1. Existing and proposed lot lines
      a. The boundaries of lots (other than a residual lot of at least 10 acres) shall be determined by accurate field survey, closed with an error not to exceed 1 in 10,000 and balanced
      b. The boundaries of any residual parcel which is greater than 10 acres may be determined by deed
   2. Location of existing and proposed monuments
   3. Sufficient measurements of all lots, streets, rights-of-way, easements and community or public areas to accurately and completely reproduce each and every course on the ground
   4. Buildings estimated to be 80 years or older that are proposed to be impacted by the subdivision, with name and description
   5. Sewer lines, stormwater facilities, water lines, bridges and culverts
   6. Existing and proposed utility easements and restrictive covenants and easements for purposes which might affect development (stating which easements and rights-of-way proposed for dedication to the municipality)
   7. Proposed (if known) and existing nonresidential building locations and land uses
   8. Easements/covenants addressing maintenance of stormwater easements
   1. Applicable zoning district name, zoning district boundaries and minimum lot area
   2. Minimum setback requirements shown for each lot
   3. Sufficient information to determine compliance with the zoning ordinance
   1. Total acreage of site and total proposed number of lots
   2. Identification number for each lot
   3. Lot width (at minimum building setback line) and lot area for each lot
   4. As applicable, the following existing and proposed items shall be shown for each lot, using standard symbols that are identified in a legend on the plan.
      a. Well (if not connected to central water system)-with required separation distance shown from septic drain fields, and with dimensions from lot lines
      b. Primary drain field (with dimensions from lot lines)
      c. Secondary drain field - shall be perc tested, and dimensioned from lot lines
      d. Suitable soil probe location
      e. Suitable percolation test locations
   5. Existing and proposed storm drainage facilities or structures
   6. Exact slope across proposed primary and secondary on-lot sewage system sites
   7. Plan showing proposed street address numbers of proposed lots, as issued by the township
      a. “Well and sewage disposal systems shall be constructed in accordance with standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.”
      b. “Individual owners of lots must receive approval from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer for a sewage permit prior to undertaking the construction of an on-lot sewage disposal system or building that will need to be served by such a system. Additional, no development shall occur in the alternative drain field location without the prior written approval of the Zoning Officer and Sewage Enforcement Officer.”
      c. “The township does not guarantee that any individual lot or location within a lot will be able to sustain any type of well or sewage disposal system.”
I. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Planning Commission may require the submission of any additional information that would be required for the final plan of a major subdivision under § 154.092, if needed to determine compliance with this chapter
   1. Residual lands sketch: if the submitted plans do not include all undeveloped or underdeveloped adjacent or abutting lands owned by the same landowner or under control of the same developer, then a sketch shall be submitted at an appropriate scale, on one sheet, covering all such land holdings together with a sketch of a reasonable future road system to demonstrate that the proposed subdivision provides for the orderly development of any residual lands and/or does not adversely affect the potential development of residual lands
   2. Copy of the DEP sewage planning module application, if applicable, as completed by the applicant, with evidence that the application has been forwarded to the proper review agencies for comments
   3. See the requirements of the township stormwater management ordinance
(Ord. 127, passed 3-18-2010)