(A) No official action shall be taken on a sketch plan. The township shall not be bound by comments made or not made as part of a sketch plan review.
(B) The township should distribute copies of the sketch plan to the Township Engineer, the relevant township staff person and the Planning Commission for advisory reviews.
(C) The sketch plan should be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors, with any comments reported to the applicant or his or her representative. It is recommended that the following matters be emphasized in a review of a sketch plan:
(1) The suitability of areas proposed for development and areas proposed as open space;
(2) The most suitable methods of providing street access, including access points onto existing streets, and possible interconnections with existing streets or streets within approved developments; and
(3) Methods to reduce the total percentage of the site that will be re-graded, paved or de- forested.
(D) LVPC review: the township may forward a copy of the sketch plan to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, for any informal review if the township believes it may have significant impacts.
(Ord. 127, passed 3-18-2010)