§ 212-45.   Final plan.
[Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240, § 24]
submitting a for shall conform to the following :
   A.   The shall be submitted as soon as practical after the required have been installed or are guaranteed in accordance with Act 247, as amended. 30
   B.    . The same shall be required for a as are required in § 212-43E for a . [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11- 1240]
   C.    .
      (1)   Drafting . The same shall be required for a as for the and, in addition for recording purposes, the shall be placed on sheets sizes 24 inches by 36 inches. All lettering and lines shall be drawn so as to still be legible should the be reduced to half size. In addition, all and reports shall be submitted in a .pdf format. [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (2)   Existing features. The same shall be required for a as are required in § 212-43C for a . [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (3)   Information to be shown. The , which shall include all portions of an approved , shall show:
         (a)   A title, as required for a .
         (b)   Evidence should be provided that the are in conformance with Chapter 255, Zoning, and other applicable Township ordinances and regulations. In any instance where such do not conform, evidence shall be presented that an exception or variance has been officially authorized.
         (c)   The names of abutting owners, names, locations, widths and other dimensions of all roads, including tie-ins, and , including center line courses, distances and curve data; descriptive data of lines and lines so that a single deed may be drawn to the appropriate authority for the dedication of roads by the , or .
         (d)   The layout and dimensions, with bearings and distances, of , including consecutive numbering of and house numbers, with distances for the , the total area, net area, number of , area of each and minimum size.
         (e)   The typical cross-sections for each proposed road indicating location, width, type, thickness and crown of paving; type and size of curbs; location, width, type and thickness of sidewalks.
         (f)   The location of curblines, with radii at intersections; the location and width of sidewalks and .
         (g)   The location and size of stormwater management facilities, sanitary sewers, culverts, major , water mains and fire hydrants. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
         (h)   The purpose of creating .
         (i)   References to any land to be dedicated for public .
         (j)   The location, material and size of all monuments with reference to them.
         (k)   Restrictions in the deed affecting the of the property.
         (l)   The location of all , as defined by Chapter 255, Zoning, and for the purposes of the determination of applicable flood insurance risk premiums for in flood-prone areas:
            [1]   Indicate the lowest habitable floor elevation (in relation to near sea level) of new or substantially improved ; and
            [2]   Indicate the elevation to which the will be floodproofed.
         (m)   Additional notes as required by the Township .
         (n)   Landscape plantings.
      (4)   Certificates. When approved, the must show:
         (a)   The signature and seal of the registered surveyor certifying that the represents a survey made by him, that the monuments shown thereon exist as located and that the dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
         (b)   The signature and seal of the registered verifying that the of is true and correct and made by him.
         (c)   The signature duly notarized and date of the owner or equitable owner certifying his adoption of the .
         (d)   The date, Township Seal and signature of the President of the Board of Commissioners, certifying that the Board approved the attested by the Township Secretary.
         (e)   The date and signature of the Chairman of the certifying the reviewed the .
         (f)   The date and signature of the Township indicating he reviewed the .
         (g)   The processed and reviewed certification of the Montgomery County Planning Commission.
         (h)   The certificates as required by 53 P.S. § 10503.1. [Added 1-10-1995 by Ord. No. 879]
[Amended 5-14-2013 by Ord. No. 13-1272]
30. Editor’s Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.