§ 212-43.   Preliminary plan requirements.
[Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240, § 21; 5-14-2013 by Ord. No. 13-1272, § 7]
submitting a for shall conform to the following :
   A.   Drafting .
      (1)   The scale of the shall not be smaller than 100 feet to the inch and shall be accurate to within one part in 300.
      (2)   Dimensions shall be in feet and decimals and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds.
      (3)   The shall show the courses and distances of the boundary line survey of the entire tract being subdivided.
      (4)   The sheet or sheets shall be one of the following sizes: 24 inches by 36 inches or 30 inches by 42 inches. If more than one sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be the same size and consecutively numbered to show its relation to the total number of sheets comprising the (i.e., Sheet No. 1 of 5). In addition, a digital copy of all materials shall be submitted in a “.pdf” format. [Amended 10-14-1997 by Ord. No. 953; 6-14- 2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (5)   Where there are two or more sheets, a key map shall be provided sufficient to show their relationship.
      (6)   The shall be clear and legible and shall be so prepared and bear an adequate legend to indicate clearly which features are existing and which are proposed.
      (7)   The minimum text size shall be 0.1 inches in height. [Added 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
   B.   Location and identification. Each shall provide:
      (1)   A title consisting of the name and address of the , , and the person who developed the . A registered professional surveyor must certify the tract boundary survey and a registered professional must certify the proposed with their names and addresses included on the .
      (2)   The name of the , its location by identification of significant bounding roads, the names of adjacent property owners and the name of the municipality.
      (3)   The date of preparation of the , the scale and North point.
      (4)   The entire tract boundary with bearings and distances.
      (5)   A key map relating the to at least three existing intersections of Township roads, at a scale not less than 800 feet to the inch.
      (6)   The zoning district and area regulations from Chapter 255, Zoning, for the tract being subdivided or developed and on adjoining tracts. Any deed restrictions, variances or special exceptions being sought or granted shall be shown or noted on the .
   C.   Existing features.
      (1)   All topographic and physical features within the tract being subdivided which impacts it shall be shown:
         (a)   The location, name of roads including the width ( and ) dimensions, center line courses, distances, curve data, curblines, curbline radii at intersections and location tie ins by courses and distances to the nearest intersection.
         (b)   The location of steep (as defined in Zoning Code, §§ 255-7 and 255-34 and Chapter 99, ), , , , storm water management facilities and flows.
         (c)   The location, size and ownership of utility lines above and below ground, including but not limited to storm sewers, water, sanitary sewers, gas mains, fire hydrants, electric cable and pipelines.
         (d)   Any man-made or natural features, not limited to steep , soil types, deed restrictions having a significant impact on the tract to be subdivided.
         (e)   Contours at vertical interval of two feet in sufficient detail to show the course, and capacity of all stormwater management facilities, including the method of on adjacent tracts.
            [1]   If the distance between contour lines exceeds 100 feet horizontally, a lesser contour interval will be required as determined by the Township .
            [2]   Benchmarks to which contour elevations refer shall be noted on the and shall be: Horizontal NAD 83 (1992 adjustment), Vertical NACD 88.
         (f)   The location, with measured distances from roads and property lines, and the character of existing and man-made on or in the ground.
         (g)   The location of existing monuments with references to them.
      (2)   The off-site topographical information and physical features within the 100 feet abutting the property must be shown with the same degree of accuracy and detail required by § 212-43.C(1). This information may be supplemented by an aerial map. The level of information/detail required is to be determined by the Township . The Township may also require the to provide information within a greater abutting distance.
      (3)   Where the property is a resource listed on the Historic Resource Inventory, the shall submit a statement with the , indicating which, if any, of such historic resources would be changed or affected to any substantial extent by the implementation of the   and the development of the property and the manner in which they would be changed or affected. 29
[Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
   D.   Proposed features ( and ). All proposed as required by the design (accompanied by all supporting documents) shall be shown on the . [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (1)   The layout of all , and walkways, including names and widths of and , and shown on the Township’s Ultimate Right-of-Way Map which may impact the tract being subdivided.
      (2)   The layout, dimensions and net area of all , including consecutive and house numbers. House numbers shall be assigned by the Township.
      (3)   Any land to be dedicated for public or common .
      (4)   Tentative of proposed to existing to a point 400 feet beyond the boundaries of the tract being subdivided, when required by the Township . [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (5)   The location and size of sanitary sewers, stormwater management facilities, culverts, , on-site sewage facilities, if applicable, water mains, fire hydrants, special and all appurtenances. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (6)   All on each with distances from the   ; to be used for other than residences.
      (7)   Disposition of all and indicating retention or demolition. The character and of and to be retained shall be noted on the .
      (8)   The purpose, location, width and boundaries by dimensions of all and/or to be created for all stormwater management facilities, , utilities or to other pertinent reasons. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (9)   Typical cross-sections and center-line profile for each new or widened   , as well as the profile for sanitary sewers and stormwater management facilities, including manholes, inlets and catch basins. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (10)   Soil and sediment control facilities during and after construction and stormwater management facilities, including the layout of water detention , bridges and culverts. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (11)   All landscaping facilities for screening, buffering, conservation, shade and aesthetics. Facilities may include , , fences and/or earthwork.
      (12)    characteristics shall be noted on the indicating:
         (a)   The number of acres being subdivided.
         (b)   The number of created.
         (c)   The number, type and character of .
         (d)   The linear feet of new road and widened road.
         (e)   The minimum, maximum and average size.
         (f)   The average of all which contain any of 10% or greater. [Added 8-11-1987 by Ord. No. 735]
      (13)   A lighting in accordance with § 158-14 shall be submitted whenever a is proposed to be constructed or extended. [Added 10-8-2002 by Ord. No. 1093]
   E.    .
      (1)   Drafting . The same shall apply for the as for the , except that the horizontal scale of the and profile shall not be smaller than 40 feet to the inch, and the vertical scale shall be two, four, five or 10 feet to the inch, whichever is more appropriate.
      (2)   Information to be shown. The shall contain all the information and details, both on and off , to provide working for the construction of the proposed , and widening of existing , sanitary sewers and stormwater management facilities, utilities, and sediment control, landscaping, including all appurte nances, as shown on the approved . The information shall include but not be limited to:
         (a)   Horizontal . The horizontal shall show details of the horizontal layout as follows:
            [1]   Information shown on the approved .
            [2]   The beginning and end of proposed immediate construction.
            [3]   Stations corresponding to those shown on the profile.
            [4]   The curb elevation at tangent points or horizontal curves at road or intersections and at the projected intersections of the curblines.
            [5]   The location and size of sanitary sewers and lateral connections with distances between manholes, water, gas, electric and other utility pipes or conduits and of stormwater management facilities, inlets and manholes.
            [6]   The location, type and size of curbs and all paving widths.
            [7]   The location and species of all shade and the location and type of fire hydrants and streetlights.
         (b)   Profiles. The profile shall show vertical details of the horizontal as follows:
            [1]   Profiles and elevations of the ground along the center line of proposed roads.
            [2]   Profiles of sanitary sewers with profiles over the sewer of the present and finished ground surface showing manhole locations beginning with the lowest manhole.
            [3]   Profiles of stormwater management facilities showing basin , basin inlet and discharge points, manhole and/or inlet locations, and other significant , conveyances and control measures.
            [4]   Profiles of water mains.
         (c)   Cross-section. The cross-section shall comply with the Township’s and specifications as minimum requirements. It shall show a typical cross-section across the road with details of and construction as follows:
            [1]   The width and location and width of the .
            [2]   The type, depth and crown of paving.
            [3]   The type and size of curb.
            [4]   When sidewalks are required, of the sidewalk area should be carried to the full width of the and of or extended beyond the .
            [5]   When required, the location, width, type and depth of sidewalks.
            [6]   The typical location, size and depths of sewers, stormwater management facilities and utilities.
         (d)   Additional information. Additional information shall be submitted with the as follows:
            [1]   All required local, state and federal permits shall be submitted. These permits may include Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permits. DEP permits may be required for stormwater management, stream alteration, dams, and control, air pollution or sanitary sewer facilities.
            [2]   All engineering calculations which support the proposed , such as stormwater management, sanitary facility design or structural calcula tions shall be submitted.
            [3]   A statement shall be required on the as follows: “The approved , a copy of which may be inspected at the office of the Township Public Works Director, has been made a part of the approved .”
[Added 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
   F.   Certificates. [Reserved]. [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240; 5-14-2013 by Ord. No. 13-1272]
29. Editor’s Note: See Ch. 127, Historic Preservation, and Ch. A264, Historic Resource Inventory.