(a) No person shall permit electric energy to be delivered beyond the point of service attachment of any building or structure within the City, until the certificate of inspection or notice has been posted as provided in Section 1406.04(e).
(b) No person shall permit electric energy to be delivered beyond the point of service attachment of any building or structure within the City, after any disconnection or discontinuance has been made as provided in Section 1406.04(f), until the permit for renewal of service referred to in such division is produced and exhibited.
(c) No person being the owner or his or her agent, or in possession or control of any building or structure, or portion thereof, within the City, shall permit electrical energy to enter any electric wiring, electric device or electric material within such building or structure or portion thereof without first complying with the provisions of this chapter.
(d) The Building Commissioner shall keep complete records of all permits issued and inspection made and other official work performed under this chapter.
(e) This chapter shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility or liability of any party owning, operating, controlling or installing any electric wiring, electric devices and/or electric material for damages to persons or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the City be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein, or certificate of inspection issued as herein provided.
(1982 Code, § 1315.06) (Ord. 2001-83. Passed 11-5-2001.)