All uses in the U-9 district shall comply with the following design requirements.
   (a)   Each lot shall have a minimum of 65% of the linear length of the lot frontage abutting Cedar Road or Warrensville Center Road devoted to a building or wall that is located within 30 feet of the public right-of-way. The building or wall shall comply with the following:
      (1)   The length of lot frontage utilized in the calculation shall not include the width of access drives.
      (2)   Walls shall be constructed of solid masonry and shall have a height not less than three feet, not including ornamentation or other features.
      (3)   Buildings shall comply with the setback requirements set forth in Section 1266.05 and the height requirements of Section 1266.08.
      (4)   Walls shall be located a minimum of ten feet from the public right-of-way.
   (b)   Walls of buildings shall comply with the following:
      (1)   When the wall of a building faces a public right-of-way, or parking area, or is within 45 degrees of facing a public right-of-way, a minimum of 50% of such wall area, on the ground floor, shall have display-type windows. The bottom edge of such window shall not be higher than three feet above grade. A maximum of 20% of such windows may be opaque.
      (2)   Walls shall have no more than 20 feet of contiguous wall length devoid of windows; on any ground floor, unless the wall includes architectural features such as piers, columns, defined bays or an undulation of the building, so that a pedestrian scale, rhythm, and visual interest is created.
      (3)   Walls that meet the following criteria shall be exempt from the requirements of division (b)(2) above:
         A.   Two walls face one another, are separated by not more than 30 feet and the space between the two walls is used for servicing the buildings, or
         B.   The wall faces an area devoted solely to loading and delivery and the wall is screened from view from all public rights-of-way, parking areas and abutting residential areas.
   (c)   Residential garage entries shall not be located along Cedar Road or Warrensville Center Road. Residential garage entries may not face any other public right-of-way unless it is a minimum of twenty feet behind the front building face of the principal structure.
   (d)   All on-site utility and power lines shall be buried underground.
(1982 Code, § 1118.09) (Ord 2000-05. Passed 2-7-2000.)