(a)   All buildings and structures shall the maximum building height specified in Schedule 1266.08.
   (b)   All buildings shall be designed to create the appearance of having a minimum of two stories through the use of architectural elements.
Schedule 1266.08 Maximum Building Heights
Front Building Setback from Cedar Road or Warrensville Center Road rights-of-way
Building Height
Mixed-Use Project Building Height (1)
10 feet - 30 feet
40 feet
60 feet
30 feet - 75 feet
60 feet
75 feet
75 feet or more
75 feet(1)
75 feet(2)
(1)   Buildings must be part of a development project in which a minimum of 50% of the total project floor area is devoted to residential uses.
(2)   A portion of the building, or a separate building on the same lot, must be located within 30 feet of the public right-of-way of Cedar Road or Warrensville Center Road.
(1982 Code, § 1118.08) (Ord. 2000-05. Passed 2-7-2000.)