(a)   Sketches or blueprints shall be clear and legible and shall show accurately the various dimensions involved, as well as accurately locating the property affected by the proposed change. The scale utilized in such sketches or blueprints shall be shown on the face thereof, and if the proposal contemplates the consolidation or the resubdivision of a property or properties, shall indicate both the existing property lines, and in a contrasting fashion, the proposed property lines. Such sketches or prints shall be dated; identify the property involved; and indicate the name of the owners thereof who are making the request.
   (b)   The City shall give its receipt for the fee required by Section 1220.07(b) and the Clerk of Council shall stamp upon the reverse side of each such sketch or drawing the date of its delivery to the City. Thereafter, such sketches or prints shall be utilized by the Planning Commission, various officers of the City and Council in their consideration of the request. In addition, such sketches or prints shall be available for public inspection during the pendency of any hearing on such proposal.
   (c)   Council finds that the one hundred dollar ($100.00) fee and deposits required herein are necessary to cover the cost of legal advertising required by the Zoning Code; the cost of investigation and examination of the proposals by the various officers and employees of the City, including professional services; and the cost of effecting the necessary changes in the Zoning Map. Upon receipt of such fee payment it shall be credited to the General Fund of the City. No fee shall be returned whether such proposal is accepted or refused. No fee may be credited upon any other or subsequent request. If the proposal for change does not involve contiguous or adjoining properties, a separate fee shall be charged for each separate proposal.
(Ord. 2011-73. Passed 10-17-2011.)