(a)   Whenever any change is proposed by Council or the Planning Commission concerning any setback line, use classification or district, which will affect the Zoning Map of the City, the property owner shall provide, or the City Engineer shall prepare, at least eighteen copies of a blueprint or sketch accurately reflecting such proposal. Such prints or sketches shall be clear, legible and accurate as to dimensions of the property involved, and such sketches or blueprints shall remain on file with the Clerk of Council for public inspection during the pendancy of any hearing on such proposed change. In the event that the final action of Council shall modify or vary the final proposal, the Engineer shall forthwith prepare such other blueprints or sketches as may be necessary to conform to the action of Council.
   (b)   (1)   Whenever any person and/or entity desires a resubdivision or a consolidation of any property in the City, or desires to request a change in the setback line or other change in the Zoning Map of the City, or requests consideration by the Planning Commission on any other matter authorized under the Zoning Code, such person and/or entity shall, at the time of filing the request with the City, pay a non-refundable fee in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00), covering the non-professional costs to the City in connection with the consideration of such request. Any additional actual non-professional costs incurred by the City shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant. Additionally, the applicant shall deposit the amount of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for properties located in residential zoning districts and seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for properties located in all other zoning districts for expenses incurred by the City Engineer, Law Department or other professional services rendered in connection with the application to the Planning Commission. The applicant shall also furnish to the City, by leaving the same with the Clerk of Council, at least 18 copies of a sketch or blueprint covering the requested change or modification.
      (2)   Charges for professional services authorized by this section shall be at the rates set forth in such professional's contract with the City. The deposit authorized herein shall only be distributed for payment for professional services upon presentment of itemized invoices. Upon completion of the project, the remaining funds on deposit authorized herein shall, upon written request of the applicant, be returned to the applicant. Upon written notification by the City and presentment of paid invoices for professional services, the applicant shall deposit additional funds to cover future professional services in an amount not to exceed the initial deposit.
   (c)   All plans and documents required to be provided under this chapter shall be submitted with the application no later than fourteen days prior to the meeting date. Any request for an extension must be submitted in writing to the Building Commissioner by that date. The Building Commissioner may grant such extension only to such date as the members of the Planning Commission will still have adequate time to review such plans and documents in preparation for the meeting.
(Ord, 2011-72. Passed 10-17-2011.)