(a)   Playing Sound Devices Prohibited; When. No person shall play any radio, music player, television, audio system or musical instrument in such a manner or at such volume as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of neighboring inhabitants or at a volume which is plainly audible to persons other than those who are in the room or yard in which such device or instrument is played and who are voluntary listeners thereto. This shall not apply to rooms within any single “residential” unit (as defined in Section 1240.19).
   (b)   Playing Sound Devices in Motor Vehicles; When. No person shall play any radio, music player, television, audio system or musical instrument in a “motor vehicle” (as defined in Section 402.22 and for Ohio R. C. 4511.01) in such a manner or at such a volume so as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of the community or which is plainly audible to a neighboring inhabitant or inhabitants otherwise prohibited under Section 648.13.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor for the first offense and is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor for any subsequent offense and, in addition, any device used in violation of this section punishable as a first degree misdemeanor shall be subject to forfeiture pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 2933.
(1982 Code, § 509.12) (Ord. 96-3-1. Passed 6-17-1996.)