General Provisions
   51.001   Definitions
Use of Public Sewers Required
   51.015   Unsanitary disposal of waste
   51.016   Unlawful discharge of sewage
   51.017   Privies, septic tanks and the like
   51.018   Sewer connections required
Private Sewage Disposal
   51.035   Private disposal
   51.036   Permit
   51.037   Inspection
   51.038   Compliance with state recommendations
   51.039   Sewer connections
   51.040   Operation and maintenance
   51.041   Additional requirements
   51.042   Discontinuance of private disposal
   51.043   User fees
Building Sewers and Connections
   51.060   Permits
   51.061   Applications
   51.062   Costs
   51.063   Separate installations
   51.064   Inspection of old building sewers
   51.065   Specifications for building sewers
   51.066   Elevation; lift
   51.067   Surface drainage
   51.068   Specifications for connections
   51.069   Inspection
   51.070   Barricades; restoration of public property
Use of Public Sewers
   51.085   Prohibited drainage in sanitary sewers
   51.086   Drainage in storm sewers
   51.087   Prohibited discharges in public sewers
   51.088   Substances prohibited in public sewers except by permission
   51.089   Requirements for discharge of special wastes
   51.090   Interceptors
   51.091   Pretreatment or flow equalization
   51.092   Manholes
   51.093   Sampling and testing
   51.094   Special arrangements
Protection From Damage
   51.110   Damage; disorderly conduct
Powers and Authority of Inspectors
   51.125   Inspections; right of entry
   51.126   Liability
   51.127   Easements
User Charges
   51.140   Rates and assessments
   51.141   Annual review
   51.142   Applications for public sewer service
   51.143   Public sewer charge liens
   51.144   Temporary discontinuance of service
   51.145   Prepayment of sewer rates
   51.146   Payment of rates; delinquencies
   51.999   Penalty