Arbor Springs Boulevard
No parking between the signs along the inside curve for a distance of 204 feet between 2013 Arbor Springs Boulevard and 2031 Arbor Springs Boulevard
Braxton Road
Beginning from 6:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. parking will be restricted to four hours only on the north side of Braxton Road beginning at the intersection of Braxton Road and Richmond Road, continuing east to the border of Union and Florence 430 feet.
Burleigh Lane
No parking for the first 210 feet on the north side of Burleigh Lane starting at the intersection of Hempsteade Drive going in an easterly direction
Cherbourg Drive
“No Parking between the Signs” along inside of the horizontal curve for a distance of approximately 225 feet fronting 9775 Cherbourg Drive. Parking shall be prohibited in the cul-de-sac and on only one side of the street on the remaining portion of Cherbourg Drive.
(Ord. 2014-015, passed 9-9-14; Am. Ord. 2020-04, passed 12-7-20; Am. Ord. 2022-20, passed 11-7-22; Am. Ord. 2022-23, passed 1-4-23) Penalty, see § 72.99
   (A)   The Union City Commission accepts, adopts and consents to the use of the Boone County Hearing Board to hear all parking citations issued within the boundaries of the city.
   (B)   There has been established a Boone County Parking Violation Hearing Board, as codified within in the Boone County, Kentucky, Code of Ordinances, that is designated to hear any contested violations under Chapter 72.
(Ord. 2013-010, passed 8-13-13; Am. Ord. 2013-013, passed 11-4-13)
   (A)   Any person who receives a citation for a parking violation shall respond to such citation within fourteen (14) calendar days of its issuance, by making full payment of civil penalties, towing and/or storage charges incurred, or shall request a hearing pursuant to Chapter 71 of the Boone County Code of Ordinances, by notifying, in writing, the Parking Violation Hearing Board through the County Judge/Executive’s Office at 2950 Washington Street, Burlington, Kentucky 41005. After non-payment and without properly notifying the Board of intent to contest within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of the citation, a determination that the violation has been committed is final.
   (B)   Civil penalties shall be paid to the Boone Fiscal Court through the Boone County Finance Department at 2950 Washington Square, Burlington, Kentucky 41005. All civil penalties so collected shall be deposited in the general fund of Boone County to be used for general expenses of the county.
   (C)   Towing and/or storage charges shall be paid directly to the provider of that service.
(Ord. 2013-013, passed 11-4-13)
§ 72.99 PENALTY.
   Any person who violates any section of this chapter shall be issued a citation with a thirty dollar ($30.00) civil penalty for the first or second violation within a consecutive three hundred sixty-five (365) have a sixty dollar ($60.00) civil penalty. However, if the citation is unsuccessfully contested, the violator may be assessed a civil penalty up to and including five hundred dollars ($500.00). In addition to a civil penalty, the violator shall pay any and all towing and/or storage charges. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense for which a citation may be issued and a civil penalty imposed.
(Ord. 2013-013, passed 11-4-13)